Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

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By Pure Matrimony -

In this webinar presented by Sheikh Musleh Khan, we discuss character building and self-improvement from an Islamic perspective, and reveal techniques from the Qur’an and Sunnah to help you understand the following emotional states and live a happier, more contented life:

– Depression and turning it into Optimism
– Hatred and turning it into Compassion
– Anger and turning it into Self-control

Contrary to what some people believe, Islam is not a ‘doom and gloom’ belief; in fact as Muslims we have been commanded to be positive and have self-belief.

This free webinar has been brought to you by Pure Matrimony, the world’s largest muslim matrimonial service for practising Muslims, as part of our mission to help educate and inform Muslims to benefit the wider community as a whole.

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