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Bron: onislam.net

Profeet Mohammed(salAllahu alaihi wasallam) & Dame Aishah (God wil)
Deur Majida Islam Khan

Ons het almal 'n sekere beeld van verliefdes, 'n ster-gekruiste paar, liefde met die eerste oogopslag, leef vir altyd en gelukkig...

Normaalweg, ons assosieer hierdie idees van liefde met paartjies wat ontmoet, datum, en val halsoorkop vir mekaar. Baie selde bring ons hierdie beelde in verband met getroude paartjies.

Bowendien, ons verbind hierdie persepsie byna nooit aan Moslem-pare nie, wat volgens suiwer Islamitiese gebruike trou. Alhoewel hierdie skakel redelik skaars is, daar bestaan ​​eintlik 'n voorbeeld in Islam se eie geskiedenis, wat nie net hierdie soort liefde uitbeeld nie, maar veel verder gaan as dit.

Dit is die reine, getroude liefde tussen die profeet Mohammed en sy geliefde, Dame Aishah.

Die twee het bymekaar gekom in omstandighede wat 'n skrille kontras is met vandag se konvensionele liefdesverhaal. He was a devoted Messenger of God, embarking on the third year of prophethood; she was the daughter of his best friend and companion, Abu Bakr.

Infusing Romance

The early years of their marriage began quite innocently. Although Aishah was a young bride, she was in the standard marriageable age that the Arabian culture approved of and encourages at that time.

The clear evidence is that Aishah had already been engaged to another man before her engagement to the Prophet.

Though Aishah was ready for marriage life, the Prophet preferred to grant her extra support in her transition to life as a married woman. She carried on with the many joys of childhood and fortunate for her, as she had a husband gentle and kind enough to understand this.

Rather than throwing all the responsibilities of a wife on her at once, the Prophet made the marriage and its duties a gradual process for Aishah and ensured that she made a smooth transition into her new life. The compassionate nature with which he nurtured Aishah in her early years as a wife made a tremendous impact on the strong woman she went on to become.

As the so calledhoneymoon periodbetween the couple came to an end, many challenges and trying moments began to arise. In the midst of all the mayhem, this blessed couple still took time out for simple fun and laughter.

Aishah fondly recalls memories of racing with the Prophet and even winning the race when she was young and fit (Ibn Al Jawzy 68).
They enjoyed these races so much that the couple even raced to the Battle of Badr which was one of the most important battles in the Islamic history.

The romance in this marriage was not limited to just fun and games. As their marriage continued, intimacy was ultimately inter-woven in their daily affairs.

They would sit and eat together and Aishah would take a sip and then the Prophet would do so from the same spot her lips touched.

She would have some meat or chicken, and then he would eat from the same spot she ate from. This is just one of many ways they infused romance and affection in even the simplest of acts. These small gestures show that in this marriage, romance was not a superficial bouquet of roses. Eerder, it was natural and existed in their everyday life.

Liefde het verskeie uitdrukkings. Egter, dit is aan almal bekend dat dit vir 'n vrou is, niks druk liefde uit soos die woorde wat 'n man eenvoudig uit sy hart spreek nie.

Die profeet het sy liefde vir Aishah baie vriendelik uitgespreek en dit is duidelik in verskeie woorde (hadith) waarin hy in die openbaar verklaar dat Aishah vir hom die mees geliefde is.

So diep liefde het hy vir sy vrou gehad dat hy na haar verwys het as een met die volledige eienskappe van 'n gelowige vrou. Dit is 'n duidelike teken van die soort respek wat hy vir sy vrou gehad het.

Hierdie respek was moontlik omdat hy eintlik die tyd en moeite gedoen het om sy vrou genoeg te leer ken en verstaan ​​om haar as 'n voorbeeld aan te beveel vir ander vroue om te volg.

Briljante student & Groot Onderwyser

A crucial dimension to their equation was the student-teacher relationship they shared. Aishah’s enthusiastic and inquisitive nature made her one of the foremost students of the Prophet.

Sent as a teacher to mankind, the Prophet implemented this role most effectively in his very own home. The Islamic virtues and way of life Aishah learned and carried out were essentially through watching the Prophet and keenly observing his behavior and mannerisms.

He led by example and his beloved wife testifies to this in stating that the manners of the prophet were a living example of the Quran. (At-Tirmidhi)

Far from being meek and oppressed, Aishah was a woman of substance who was never afraid to stand up for truth and justice — whether that meant defending herself or her beloved husband. She participated in battles when she was able to and played whatever role she could in supporting the Prophet in his endeavors.

Surviving Hardships

Her quality of being content regardless of circumstances helped her overcome many challenges she faced as the Prophet’s wife.

There was a time in the Prophet’s home, when they had no fire or food for cooking and they simply lived off of dates and water. Yet Aishah went through this hardship and showed the mark of a true companion — one who can offer unrelenting support even under the most trying circumstances.

A truly dynamic woman, complete with the qualities of virtue, intelligence and even possessiveness over her husband — there was something quite distinct about Aishah which drew the Prophet so close to her.

Passing On Her Husband’s Legacy

The Prophet and his beloved connected as soul mates, as he received divine revelations often when he was with her. The fact that God blessed and ordained this marriage is evident in that the Prophet confessed to Aishah that before marrying her, he saw her twice in his dreams.

Both times, Angel Gabriel carried her to him in a silk cloth and said to him, that Aishah would be his wife in this world and in the Hereafter (Al-Bukhari). Their blessed companionship came to a peaceful end after nine years, when the Prophet drew his last breath in Aishah’s arms.

The Prophet’s demise may have ended their companionship in this world. Egter, it did not put a stop to his mission nor did it end Aishah’s role in carrying out her beloved’s message.

It was after the Prophet’s demise that one can truly see the divine purpose behind this marriage. Because she spent the most formative years of her life with the Prophet, she was able to learn and imbibe all of his teachings.

This became a tremendous asset after the Messenger passed away and was only possible because of Aishah’s age. Upon his demise, Aishah’s youth gave her the capacity to continue to preach Islam’s message for the many years she lived thereafter.

Baie metgeselle van die profeet en nuwe volgelinge van Islam sou na Lady Aishah kom vir raad oor verskeie Islamitiese sake. Haar bydrae om talle uitsprake van die profeet in verband te bring en verduideliking te verskaf oor vrae wat met geloof verband hou, het haar gou tot die status van 'n prominente Islamitiese geleerde gekaapulteer.

Aishah se rol in hierdie huwelik was een wat God bestem het om te verseker dat die leerstellings van Islam suksesvol aan komende geslagte oorgedra sal word, selfs nadat die profeet gesterf het.

Die liefdesverhaal tussen die profeet Mohammed en Lady Aishah is dalk nie waarvan epiese romanse gemaak word nie, maar dit verskaf beslis 'n meer realistiese persepsie van hoe ware liefde binne 'n huwelik gevind kan word.

Die enigste doel van die huwelik in Islam is om 'n individu se behoefte aan kameraadskap en ware liefde te vervul. Islam beklemtoon en moedig hierdie vervulling aan, maar slegs binne die huweliksband.

Die profeet se huwelik met Aishah toon dat intimiteit en romanse nie noodwendig beperk is tot roosoog jong dating paartjies nie. Hierdie geseënde egpaar het 'n voorbeeld gegee van die ware liefde en kameraadskap wat ons almal soek, is heeltemal moontlik binne die huwelik en boonop, binne die Islamitiese lewenswyse.

Vandag, dit is 'n huwelik wat baie kan kies om te belaster of te verneder. Tog hoef 'n mens net te kyk na die bewyse wat profeet Mohammed en Lady Aishah agtergelaat het, in die vorm van talle gesegdes wat hulle vertel het, wat so diep getuig van die liefde en intimiteit wat hulle gedeel het.

The most famous love stories in this world are those that were a figment of someone’s imagination. Yet this is a love which actually existed. It was a love created and destined by God himself.

Works Cited
Ibn AlJawzy, Gamal Aldin. Safwat Al Safwah Vol. ek.
Ural, Maar. “AISHAH: Lover of the Beloved.Accessed 30 Mar. 2008.
Webb, Suhaib. Mothers of the Believers: Lives of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad.
Bron: onislam.net

1 Lewer kommentaar to The Untold Moments of Married Love

  1. Hamna. Its a wonderful article. Hope you don’t mind reminding me to you that plz write (Saw or Pbuh) with Prophet Muhammad (Saw) en (“Wat was die tydperk tussen die bou van Kaaba en die opbou van Masjid Al Aqsa) with all of Prophets’ Metgeselle. May Allah help us All. Regards. Talab e Dua. JazakAllah.

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