[WEBINAR] Hoe om jou mees produktiewe Ramadan ooit te hê!


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Deur Pure Huwelik -

Sisters – do you spend most of your Ramadan cooking in the kitchen rather than reading Quran?

Brothers – do you suffer from being overfed and spiritually under-nourished during Taraweeh?

Is everyone in your home on a spiritual high or are they struggling to get through it all?

Do you find Ramadan a time of spiritual awakening or a time of guilt where you tell yourself you’ll do better next time?

In this webinar ‘Ramadan Revealed: Your Guide To Your Most Successfully Productive Ramadan With Your Family EVER!’, resident marriage guidance counsellor Sheikh Musleh Khan will focus on sharing practical advice that will help you and your family unite for the best ever Ramadan experience

Na alles, gesinne that pray together STAY together!
Here’s what you’ll learn:

• How to make suhoor and iftaar times easy, uplifting and leave you prepared and primed for worship
• How to gain the maximum blessings of Taraweeh as a family
• Practical ways to involve children in Ramadan preparations
• Practical tools and techniques for busy families who want to maximise their success in this blessed month
• The importance of your connection to Allah SWT and how to stay connected as a family
• How to keep the spiritual high going long after Ramadan leaves


Hou jou mees produktiewe Ramadan ooit met ons GRATIS gids: '30 Dae van Genade: Hoe om jou mees lonende Ramadan ooit te hê’ wat insluit a 30 dagkalenderstylgids wat duas bevat, resepte, wenke vir aanbidding ens PLUS jy kry weeklikse kontrolelyste en die 99 name van Allah!

Gaan eenvoudig na: http://bit.ly/RamadanGuide

Kry jou GRATIS 30 day trial to Pure Matrimony for new members only this RamadanSimply register at: https://purematrimony.com/Ramadan/

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Get in touch with our resident expert Sheikh Musleh Khan on:

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