Wenk Van Die Week: Kyk na jou gesondheid


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Die profeet SAW het gesê:

“Verily your body has a right over you.” (Sahih Bukhari)

The Prophet SAW mentioned that there are two favours which most people take for grantedgood health and free time. Taking care of your health is a vital part of your life. Only Allah SWT knows what He has written for you, but regardless, you must look after your health so you worship Allah SWT properly.

How many times have you heard people complaining that they would pray if only their health was good, or their knees didn’t hurt in sujood or they can’t fast because of their poor health etc etc? Ill health only leads to excuses!

Good health is a blessing to those who have it – after all, ask those who do not have good health because of how they were born or through no fault of their own. Good health means eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise, taking rest when you need it and getting enough sleep.

So make sincere dua that Allah gives you the ability to look after yourself properly and that you can use all of your senses and your limbs to worship Allah properly Insha’Allah.

Pure Huwelik

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