Categoria "Matrimoni"


Temperaments. Temperaments!

Pur Matrimoni | | 23 Comentaris

Font : One of our pious predecessors, Thabit Bin Nu’man, was hungry and tired as he was passing through a garden that bordered a river. He was so hungry...

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Every mother has her ups and downs

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Font : By Maria Zain So you’ve tried positive affirmations. The tantrums are still flaring. You’ve tried counting; your kid is banging his head on the wall. You’ve tried...


NIKAAHHusband's obligations

Pur Matrimoni | | 2 Comentaris

Font : By: Ml. I Khamissa Have you ever pondered over the Khutbah which the Imaam recited to you before you enthusiastically utteredNakahtuhaa Wa Qabiltuhaa Wa Tazawwajtuhaa?” Let...


10 common mistakes that destroy a relationship of marriage

Pur Matrimoni | | 14 Comentaris

Font In life and love, you may think you’re supposed to always focus on the positive instead of the negative. són les teves reaccions... mires com reacciona una persona davant una emergència o quan reps notícies agradables, etc., unless you become aware of your own hurtful...



Pur Matrimoni | | 5 Comentaris

By Ibrahim Bowers Although many Muslims may right now be in failing marriages and on a fast track to divorce and its terrible consequences, there are many ways to put...


Nurturing Marital Love

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Font : By Salmaan ibn Fahd al-‘Awdah He bounded up the stairs so energetically that it was hard for me to believe that here was a man of more...


La paràbola dels esposos i les peces de vestir

Pur Matrimoni | | 1 Comenta

Font : By AmatulWadood Bismillah Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) uses amazing parables in the Qur’an that strike fear, awe and amazement in the hearts of the believers. Throughout the Qur’an,...


A Successful (musulmà) Spouse!

Pur Matrimoni | | 7 Comentaris

Font : 28 Tips You Need To Be A Successful (musulmà) Spouse! – Yusuf Estes NOTE from Yusuf Estes: Marriage in Islam is consideredHalf the Deen” (an important part of our way...

Vida familiar

Com puc estudiar i estar casat?

Pur Matrimoni | | 7 Comentaris

By Fatima BarkatullahiERA Speaker & Instructor I have a suggestion that might help sisters who are committed to seeking knowledge. First I’ll mention some background info: Since I...


Falta de respecte al marit

Pur Matrimoni | | 14 Comentaris

Font : By Miriam Islam Bismillah Allah Swt, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, created the bonds of marriage as a permissible, enjoyable means of uniting two strangers to...


Lamentations of a Muslim Wife

Pur Matrimoni | | 10 Comentaris

Font : By Shariffa Carlo Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala has said, “… Marry of the women that please you; dos, three or four, but if you fear you will...


7 Coses que el teu marit musulmà no et dirà

Pur Matrimoni | | 324 Comentaris

By Abu Ibrahim Ismail Ever wish you could read your husband’s mind? La cultura occidental anima els marits i les dones a parlar entre ells i discutir coses. són les teves reaccions... mires com reacciona una persona davant una emergència o quan reps notícies agradables, etc., in many Muslim...

Vida familiar

Els homes són els protectors de les dones

Pur Matrimoni | | 8 Comentaris

Font: Alima, tenen dret a una bona companyia i un tracte amable i raonable per part dels seus marits de la mateixa manera que estan obligats a obeir les ordres dels seus marits:// “It seems like your brothers have you under their thumb!?“ “Erm… I’m not sure what you mean, but okay…“ I replied, confused at the sister’s statement. (Everyone is...