Categoria "Matrimoni"

Abans de dir "jo ho faig"

Intercultural Marriages

Pur Matrimoni | | 3 Comentaris

Font: Eyad Alnaslah, tenen dret a una bona companyia i un tracte amable i raonable per part dels seus marits de la mateixa manera que estan obligats a obeir les ordres dels seus marits:// In Islam, the concept of diversity and tolerance is found many times in the Qur’an and hadith (records of the words of the Prophet ﷺ, la pau sigui amb ell). We...


Guarding Your Husband's Honor as a Muslim Wife

Pur Matrimoni | | 22 Comentaris

Font : Most Muslim Women Are Careless About Their Primary Obligation to Protect Their Husband’s Honor. Traditionally, occupations such as cooking, sewing, fashion designing and interior decorating were considered...


A Wife

Pur Matrimoni | | 5 Comentaris

Font : : ‘Advice to Husbandsby Sheikh Abdullah Adhami A talk by Shaykh Abdullah Adhami By getting married you are not just getting a wife, you are getting...


A Higher Ground for Our Marriages

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Font : : ‘ A Higher Ground for Our Marriages : by Imam Zaid By Imam Zaid In the literature discussing Futuwwa, which has been translated as Muslim chivalry,...


Break up to Make Up

Pur Matrimoni | | 10 Comentaris

Font : tenen dret a una bona companyia i un tracte amable i raonable per part dels seus marits de la mateixa manera que estan obligats a obeir les ordres dels seus marits:// Have A Break to Revive Your Marriage! By Huda Gamal Al-Deen Assistant EditorEgypt for What is the ‘break’, is the break to maintain a...


Polygamy in Islam

Pur Matrimoni | | 12 Comentaris

Polygamy in Islam There are people who know very little about Islam. But there is one thing many seem to know and that is a Muslim man can have four...