categuria "U matrimoniu"

U matrimoniu

Surviving Marriage

Puru Matrimoniu | | 1 Cumentu

I had the blessing to meet a wise and profound teacher this past Ramadan. She gave a beautiful talk on “Surviving Marriage.” With her permission, I present to my lovely readers...

U matrimoniu

The Love Letter

Puru Matrimoniu | | 1 Cumentu

Many of us have taken someone in our lives for granted. Sometimes that person has caused us anguish, yet we underestimate how much we love them and how much we...

U matrimoniu

Impara à Co-Pilotu

Puru Matrimoniu | | 0 Cumenti

Every job has a boss, someone that makes the decisions and in our home our husband has the final say- he is in charge. May not be an easy pill...

U matrimoniu

The Goodbye Hug

Puru Matrimoniu | | 5 Cumenti

Many of us only hear destructive marriage stories within the Muslim community. The constant flow of negative narratives can cause many to cringe and fear marriage. Tuttavia, the reality is...

U matrimoniu

Banca d'amore

Puru Matrimoniu | | 1 Cumentu

It’s almost Valentine’s Day. A day in Western culture when couples express their love for each other by going out to dinner, buying gifts, è dicendu belle parolle à ognunu...

U matrimoniu

Purtendu l'amore in u matrimoniu

Puru Matrimoniu | | 1 Cumentu

Asalamu alaykum cari lettori, Aghju scrittu stu articulu perchè aghju scontru assai amichi chì anu mintuatu i prublemi maritali in una forma o l'altru. Parechji di quelli ...

U matrimoniu

Lezioni da Laura – Part 5

Puru Matrimoniu | | 0 Cumenti

“Respect a man; he will do the more,” James Howell. Un altru aspettu maiò di un matrimoniu sanu hè R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Scupritemu ciò chì significa veramente per un omu secondu ...

U matrimoniu

A Costa Curva è Storta

Puru Matrimoniu | | 4 Cumenti

Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped upon. Hè stata fatta da ...

U matrimoniu

Mantenimentu di u matrimoniu

Puru Matrimoniu | | 3 Cumenti

Calchì volta mi sentu sopraffattu da e esigenze di a vita di ogni ghjornu. Cumpiendu i travaglii di a casa, cura di u mo figliolu, catering per i mo parenti, i mo cugnati è u mo maritu...

U matrimoniu

Lezioni da Laura – Part 3

Puru Matrimoniu | | 0 Cumenti

Moving on, I want to address a topic that is so critical to a happy and healthy marriage that I think it deserves an entire blog entry. Laura continuò...

U matrimoniu

Lezioni da Laura – Part 2

Puru Matrimoniu | | 0 Cumenti

Delving right in, Laura Doyle explained to us how important it is to receive. When was the last time you got a compliment from someone? Did it go a little...