Tip týdne- Pozorujte Ashura a Muharram

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Požehnaný měsíc Muharram je známý jako Alláhův měsíc. Je to první měsíc islámského kalendáře a je jedním ze čtyř posvátných měsíců, o kterých Alláh vysvětluje:

„Opravdu, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; z nich, four are sacred. That is the right religion, so do not wrong yourselves therein … ” [Al-Korán 9:36]

Prorok SAW řekl: “The year is twelve months of which four are sacred, the three consecutive months of Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab which comes between Jumadah and Sha’ban.” [Buchari]

During these sacred months, one should take EXTRA care not to wrong oneself by committing sins, and should strive their hardest to do as many good deeds as possible. One of these deeds is fasting, and it is highly recommended to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram as this is known as Ashura.

Ashura is observed by Jews, Christians and Muslims in honour of Musa AS. It is on this day that Allah SWT destroyed Pharaoh and his people by drowning them in the sea and released the people of Israel.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘AbbasRA said: ‘When the Prophet SAW fasted on ‘Ashura’ and commanded the Muslims to fast as well, they said, ‚Ó posle Alláha, it is a day that is venerated by the Jews and Christians.’ The Prophet SAW said ‘If I live to see the next year, insha Alláh, we will fast on the ninth day too.’ [muslimský]

Čisté manželství

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