Postiadau wedi'u Tagio: "ympryd"

Tip Yr Wythnos

Fasting In Shaban

Priodas Pur | | 2 Sylwadau

Ramadan is fast approaching, and one of the best ways to get yourself ready for Ramadan is to fast in the month of Shabaan, as was the custom of the...

Tip Yr Wythnos

The Rewards of Fasting

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (heb ddim i fod yn falch ohono yr unig beth sy'n eu cadw i fynd yw eu hegos fud) from the Prophet (), “Peidiwch byth â chredu gwrywaidd casáu crediniwr benywaidd: ‘Allah (mighty and sublime be He) meddai: Fasting is Mine and it...