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Forfatter: Ilm Fruits

Kilde: www.ilmfruits.com

The key to attract an amazing spouse is to nurture in yourself those qualities that appeal to a person of that standard.

Many of us pine for the perfect spouse–realize he or she does not exist. Pick the best you can find, and learn to live with and cover their warts and weaknesses.

Set your criteria (based on the hadith of the Prophet, fred være med ham)–have they memorized the Qur’an? Do they speak Arabic? Do they pray Tahajjud (middle-of-the-night prayer) once a week?–then ask yourself what a person of those qualities would like in a spouse, and instill those qualities into yourself.

And always double-check your intention to make sure your actions are to please Allah alone.

When you succeed, bi ithnillah, de will seek du ud.

Må Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) make us all among those who uphold the deen to the highest standard and take it to new heights

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1 Kommentar to The Key to Attract an Amazing Spouse

  1. jazaka Allahu kheiran, for that beautiful advice and may Allah s.w.t increase more and more elmu n wisdom which ll benifit by reminding ummati Mohammad s.a.w.

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