Ægteskabelig intimitet under Ramadhan: Do's & Lad være – Sheikh Musleh Khan |


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6 Kommentarer to Marital Intimacy During Ramadhan: Do's & Lad være – Sheikh Musleh Khan |

  1. Abdullah

    Salam aleykum,

    When the sheikh said that when husband and wife fondle with each other and slight ejaculation occured.. what does he meant byslight ejaculation”? did he mean madhiy or maniy? Because if he meant madhiy (if I understand correctly, this is pre-seminal fluid), I thought (from Islam QA) that it does not invalidate fasting, only wudoo.

    Rådgiv venligst.

    Må Allah belønne dig

    • Rent ægteskab_7

      Wa Alaikum salam,

      If you are not able to view the video on the blog, visit our YouTube channel. You can view the video there inshallah.

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