Ugens tip: Don't Be Stingy


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Ved Rent ægteskab -

’…Be on your guard against being stingy, for being stingy is what destroyed those who came before you…’


Being stingy is one of the worst traits of a Muslim. Those with a stingy nature will hoard their wealth and refuse to spend – even on themselves for fear that they will somehow become poorer for it or that their wealth will diminish.

Faktisk, Allah SWT siger i Koranen:

And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful. (Al-Hashr 59:9)

Allah SWT has written rizq or sustenance for you and you will surely receive what is in your destiny to receive. Being stingy removes you from attaining Allah’s mercy because it means you doubt Allah’s decree for your sustenance.

And as we are now in the month of Mercy, don’t let the chance to give in sadaqa, zakat or to give for the sake of Allah pass you by.

Rent ægteskab

….Hvor øvelse gør mester

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