Udhayas dyder (Offeret)


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The Prophet SAW LOVED the udhiya or the sacrifice because of the enormous amount of blessing in this:

Profeten Muhammed (PBUH) har sagt: “There is no deed that Allah s.w.t. loves most during Eid ul Adha other than the slaughter of a sacrificial animal. The sacrificial animal will appear during the day of judgement with it’s horns, hair and nails as witness to the deed in the name of Allah. The blood of the sacrificed animal is placed near Allah s.w.t. before it flows to the earth. Glad tidings to those who sacrifice”.

(Tirmidi, Ibn Majah |)

And in another hadith:

Zaid bin Arqam reported that the companions of The Prophet (SAV) spurgt: “Åh! Allahs sendebud, what is this sacrifice?”

De sagde, “What is for us therein, O! Allahs sendebud?”
Han sagde, “There is one reward for every hair.
De sagde, “For wool, O! Allahs sendebud?”
Han sagde, “There is one reward for every strand of wool!”

(Ibn Majah |)

Derfor, don’t pass this beautiful opportunity to amass so many good deeds and ensure you give a qurbani. The sunnah is to split the meat into three partsone part is for you and your family, another part is for your friends and relatives and neighbours and lastly, one part is for the poorso don’t deprive yourself of this blessing!


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