[Entrada en el blog] 7 Consejos para padres solteros

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Cuando se trata de casarse con padres solteros, las hermanas tienden a estar bastante abiertas a la idea de casarse con un hombre con hijos a cuestas…

Sin embargo, there’s lots of things you need to consider before you even BEGIN to think about finding someone.

Tener que prestar atención constantemente a su cónyuge, que es muy exigente en su necesidad de usted, es una de las principales causas de miseria en un matrimonio. 7 of our best tips to help you make that transition from being just a single father to being a complete family.

  1. Marry when you’re good and ready – Don’t marry because you feel you shouldmarry when you’re emotionally ready to get married and ready for the responsibility
  2. Don’t marry for company– Learn to be content with your own company first and foremost, rather than marrying in the hope that a woman will fill the emptiness. Happiness comes from within and not from other people. Learn to be happy before you commit or you’ll just be miserable and married!
  3. Have clear and realistic expectations – A wife is for life, not just because you ‘needa mother figure for your kids and someone to take care of the home. Men who marry women solely so they can take over the domestic stuff usually end up with deeply unfulfilled marriages
  4. Be prepared for broken hearts – Your future wife can never replace a mother’s loveespecially if the mother of your children is actively involved in their life. Be prepared to have a lot of tantrums and broken heartsand also be prepared to be emotionally available for your kids
  5. Women can come with their own baggageIf she has children too, or come from a difficult relationship, then expect to have to deal with more than just your own kid’s tears
  6. There may be clashes – La vinculación lleva tiempo, so don’t think everything is going to run like clockwork once you’re married. De hecho, there may be many clashes between your wife and your kids and your kids could even hate her with a vengeance if they feel you’re trying to replace their motherso be ready to deal with that!
  7. Haz tu istikhara y haz mucha dua! Si bien el matrimonio tiene muchas bendiciones, también hay muchas pruebas, así que asegúrate de hacer las cosas de acuerdo con las leyes de Allah y encontrarás Su ayuda cuando más la necesites.!

Por último, si bien no menos importante, immerse yourself in being the best dad you can be for your kids and teach them kindness and the best of mannersit will go a long way in helping your future wife adjust in the home when the time comes.

Si te resultó útil esta publicación, hay más de donde vino eso!

We’ve got a great interview discussing the ups and downs of being a single father, que creemos que te encantará!

Head of Pure Matrimony Sister Arfa Saira Iqbal interviews single father Abu Yusuf where they discuss the challenges of being a single dad while trying to find a spouse.

Esta es una entrevista fantástica y muy recomendable que la escuches.!

Para escuchar la entrevista, por favor haga clic aquí: ENTREVISTA

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