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Por Matrimonio puro -

Autor: Sister Sabha

que es la muerte?

Todo hombre tiene un período fijo de vida.. No podemos vivir más o menos tiempo que el período fijo de vida. No podemos escapar de la muerte.

Allah dice en el Corán: “..Every soul shall taste its own death” [Corán 3:185]

So when the time comes our soul will be removed from our body by the angels of Death.

How will angels of death behave with your soul?

The messenger of Allah SalallahuAlaihi Wassalam dijo: When the believer tastes the last breath of his life when the soul is departed from this world the angels of death with faces as bright as the sun will descend from the heavens and sit around the good soul in throngs. The angel of death will say “oh Good soul, come out of the forgiveness and seek pleasure from Allah“

The believer’s soul will be taken as a drop of water that flows from the body and the angels will grasp it tightly.

They take the soul and shroud it by the purest Musk.

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When the angels of death take the soul, angels will ask “Who is this good soul?"

The angels of death will reply that the soul belongs to So-and-so. Then they take the soul to the lowest heavens and ask for the gates to be opened and so it does

The Most Merciful Allah says, “..Register the soul’s name in the book of ‘Illiyun’ “

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