3 Years on Pure Matrimony And I Finally Found The One!

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توسط ازدواج ناب -

We’ll be talking to husband and wife team Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba who alhamdulillah found each other on Pure Matrimony and got married last year. Umm Dhul Qarnayn had been searching for three years before finally finding the one on Pure Matrimony.

*بازی کردن – جینگلهای ازدواج خالص*
اسالم علیکم, به عنوان یک مسلمان عمل کننده, من نگرانی شما را در مورد تلاش برای یافتن همسری با تقوا به صورت آنلاین درک می کنم و صادقانه بگویم که تعجب نمی کنم, زیرا تلاش برای یافتن یک مسلمان مجرد تمرین کننده در سایر وب سایت های ازدواج حلال, مانند تلاش برای پیدا کردن یک سوزن در برچسب عجله است. Some practicing single Muslims won’t even entertain the idea of searching of a marriage partner online, در حالی که دیگران از آنچه که با آن روبرو می شوند و چرا ناامید هستند, زیرا آنها احساس می کنند که سایر وب سایت های همسریابی مسلمان بیشتر شبیه سایت های دوستیابی با پروفایل های پر از افرادی هستند که, let’s just say aren’t suitable and just like you, I searched on those other websites too and I did find one person share the same likes as me but in the end, the one most important thing was missing, she wasn’t practicing, but then I came across purematrimony.com and was surprised by how refreshingly different they are from other matrimonial websites and now, one year on, Alhumdulillah I’m now married, that’s right married. But the best part is that, not only is my wife practising her deen, she also happens to like the same thing as me. Purematrimony .com is the world’s largest website for practising single Muslim seeking a marriage partner in one place…..

ارفع – Assalamu Alaikkum (wrb) and Welcome to the family matters show. I’m your host, خواهر. Arfa Saira Iqbal, head of Pure Matrimony. In today’s show, I’m going to be talking to husband and wife team Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba, Alhumdulillah found each other on Purematrimony and got married last year, so without further do, Assalamu Alaikkum and Welcome to you both.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba: Wa Alaikkum Salaam wa rahamthullahi wa barakathuhu.

ارفع: Wow Maasha Allah! How are you both, are you doing well?

Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba: Alhumdullillah!

ارفع: OK! عالی, right Mabrook on getting married, honestly Maasha Allah I’m so excited to be talking to you both and you know, I’ve got lots of questions to ask. بنابراین, I’m really gonna just dive right in. So let me start right at the beginning and wanted to ask you both, میدونی, what is your background, what are your ages and what exactly do you do.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: OK, Insha Allah!

ارفع: آره, OK, so Just go for it. So sister, if you want to start Insha Allah, So just tell me a little bit about your our age, your profession, what you do, where you live.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: خوب, I live in UAE.

ارفع: OK

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Brought up in UAE, but basically mom is from Bangalore, Dad is from Chennai. As I was brought up in UAE, being like my second hometown, I’ve done myB.E in Computer Science in (coughing) in myin BITS, Pilani. And then since (coughing) sorry for the cough.

ارفع: It’s OK (chuckling…)

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Because I’ve been having a sore throat.

ارفع: Ooh, OK, May Allah cure you, آمین!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn : آمین! آمین!! and thenbeing recently running the muslimah network as a entrepreneur and Insha Allah will be going on for few projects as well in the future.

ارفع: اوه, That’s fantastic!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: I have been running a few other projects as well in long time previous years like humble hearts, muslimah network and then, I’m right now seeking knowledge in advance fiqh, and prophetic guidance that is a book by Shayk Uthaymeen.

ارفع: اوه!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn : بنابراین, specialising in that right now.

ارفع: Yup

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Basically student knowledge as well an entrepreneur and a home maker at the same moment

ارفع : Oh Maasha Allah… وای… (Laughing…) You’ve quite accomplished then… الحمدلله…
Umm Dhul Qarnayn : آره, Alhumdulillah and

ارفع: الحمدلله…

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: و… آره, من هستم 31 years old and I forgot to tell my age… بنابراین…

ارفع Laughing
Umm Dhul Qarnayn Laughing

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: الحمدلله, It’s been 6 months since we are married now.

ارفع: ماشاالله… ماشاالله…

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: الحمدلله, we got married in UAE itself

ارفع: OKFantastic

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: و…آره, my dad was likeI like gone through a few like a question and somy dad just passed away… و (Sis.Arfa در پس زمینه: Inna Lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon) and as he got me married just six month back, so Alhumdulillah, so it has been a great thing he has done for us

ارفع: آره, سبحان الله!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: بنابراین, May Allah bless him with Jannathul Firdous

ارفع: آمین, آمین!

در ازدواج ناب, ما کمک می کنیم 40 افراد در هفته ازدواج می کنند!

ازدواج ناب – بزرگترین خدمات زناشویی در جهان برای مسلمانان.
Direct download Link : http://traffic.libsyn.com/purematrimony/Interview_with_Umm_Dhul_Quarnayn.mp3

For more of this interesting & REAL discussion, please listen to the audio above or download from the URL here : https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com/3-years-pure-matrimony-finally-found-one/

6 نظرات به 3 Years on Pure Matrimony And I Finally Found The One!

  1. Iam a christian but has been wanting to convert to islam. And I have long wanted to and feel if I find a God fearing, kind, responsible, compassionate and intelligent Muslim man, then he can lead me to get to know the beauty of Islam.

    • Assalamualaikum sis..I’m proud about ur sincerity and intention. We believe that allah faith every human life regardless of any religious..for a best start get ur heart close to allahloves him first other than all human man kinds bcos thats truth loves.U don’t need a man guide uallah is the most guardian and its all human turns tooSorry if my words not right to ur feelingMay Allah bless u and open ur heart in ur believes and may Allah gives u a correct man for ur life time…..amen.

    • عبدالله

      MashaAllah you have surely been guided to the right path, you shouldn’t wait to convert to muslim and do it right away. Start to get to know the religion and practice it the right way. I hope that you will find someone that will show you the true beauty of Islam. آمین.
      InshaAllah khair

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