IVAKASALA NI MACAWA: Vakasamataka Mada na Nomu iVakarau ka Vakavouya Vakawasoma na Nomu Inaki

iTuvatuva ni Posi

Vakararavitaka na posi oqo
Mai vei Veiwatini Savasava -

Na noda tautauri ki na noda caka vinaka/ivalavala sa dua na itavi vakaikoya. We can take them for granted as we get comfortable with the ‘doing’ of certain deeds/actions and lose sight of the most important thing: the reasoning behind our ‘good’ deeds/actions.

Our deeds are mere actions and may even be considered a complete waste unless it is accompanied by the right intentions. The right intentions?….to get closer to Allah by pleasing Him, to attempt to have the better half of our scales weighing heavier. We should frequently question ourselves and never become complacent with our ‘good’ deeds/actions.

Narrated by ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab, na Parofita (RAICA NA) is saying, The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for”. Bukhari.

Be mindful of your deeds/actions lacking the right intention and renew them often. Without a doubt ‘The Scales’ will not lie. May Allah SWT protect our ‘good’ deeds/actions, help us purify our intentions and allow them to weigh heavy on our scales – Ameen.


1 iVakamacala to TIP OF THE WEEK: Vakasamataka Mada na Nomu iVakarau ka Vakavouya Vakawasoma na Nomu Inaki

  1. Asa,This hadith is a huge lesosn for so many of us, who, along with the fluctuation of Imaan, let our deeds fluctuate Allah likes the consistent small deeds more than the random, once in a while huge good deeds, pointing towards how big a role the concepts of consistency and regularityshould play in a Muslims life.JKK

Biuta e Dua na iSau

Ena sega ni tabaki na nomu itikotiko ni imeli. Sa makataki na lomanibai e gadrevi *


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iVolakerekere veitosoyaki ni iDusidusi ni Vakamau na Muslim