Obligation de la barbe – Cheikh Musleh Khan |

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2 commentaires to Obligation Of The Beard – Cheikh Musleh Khan |

  1. Yaa akhi, fear Allah when you say what is halal and haram concerning the religion. If you are unsure then keep quiet Baarak Allahu feek. The scholars hold two positions; the first is that the beard must be left untouched. This is based on the fact that this was the practice of the Prophet Peace Nguyen and blessings be upon him and the companions at large.

    The second is that the bare minimum must be a fist length (from the bottom of the chin) based on practice of Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with him and his father, where at the completion of hajj he trimmed what exceeded a fists length from his beard.

    Anything less than this is SINFUL according to all schools of thought. JazaakAllaahu khayraa.

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