Leid na Seachtaine: Attain Taqwa

Rátáil Poist

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Le Pósadh íon -

On the authority of Abu Dharr Jundub ibn Junada and Abu Abdul Rahmaan Muaadh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with both of them) from the Messenger of Allah (síocháin agus beannacht Allah air) “Ná bíodh fuath ag aon chreidmheach fireann do bhanchreidmheach, “Fear Allah wherever you are. And follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will wipe it out. And behave towards the people with a good behaviour.” (Recorded in al-Tirmidhi)

Taqwa means to have fear of Allah and having the consciousness that He Almighty is near and ever-watchful over everything you do:

“To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. We have advised the people of the Scripture before you and you also [O Muslims] to have taqwa of Allah [fear Allah and keep your duty to Him].” (Surah al-Nisaa:131)

You can’t have taqwa without having the love and respect for your Creator at the same time, for true taqwa is only attained when you do things to keep your duty to Allah, but also because you fear earning his anger in anything.

May Allah SWT open our hearts and become people of true taqwa ameen.

Pósadh íon

… .An Áit a ndéanann Cleachtas Foirfe

Déanann an groom iarracht an oiread ama príobháideach agus is féidir leis a chaitheamh léi tar éis uaireanta oibre agus gealltanais eile, blag nó nuachtlitir? Tá fáilte romhat an fhaisnéis seo a athchló chomh fada agus a chuimsíonn tú an fhaisnéis seo a leanas:Foinse: www.PureMatrimony.com - An Suíomh Pósta is Mó ar Domhan do Mhoslamaigh a Chleachtadh

Grá an t-alt seo? Níos mó a fhoghlaim trí chlárú le haghaidh ár nuashonruithe anseo:https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com

Nó cláraigh linn chun leath de do deen Insha’Allah a fháil trí dhul chuig:www.PureMatrimony.com


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