3 Bliadhnaichean an dèidh Pòsaidh Pure Agus Lorg mi am fear mu dheireadh!

Rangachadh puist

Dèan measadh air an dreuchd seo
Ro Matrimony fìor -

Bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri sgioba fear is bean Umm Dhul Qarnayn agus Abu Nusayba a lorg alhamdulillah a chèile air Pure Matrimony agus a phòs an-uiridh. Umm Dhul Qarnayn had been searching for three years before finally finding the one on Pure Matrimony.

*A' cluich – Pure Matrimony Jingles*
Assalamu Alaikkum, As a practising Muslim, I understand your concerns regarding trying to find a pious spouse online and quite frankly I’m not surprised, because trying to find a practising single Muslim on other halal Matrimonial websites, is like trying to find a needle in a haste tag. Some practicing single Muslims won’t even entertain the idea of searching of a marriage partner online, whilst others are frustrated by what they come across and why, because they feel that those other Muslim matrimonial websites are more like dating sites with profiles full of people who, let’s just say aren’t suitable and just like you, I searched on those other websites too and I did find one person share the same likes as me but in the end, the one most important thing was missing, she wasn’t practicing, but then I came across purematrimony.com and was surprised by how refreshingly different they are from other matrimonial websites and now, one year on, Alhumdulillah I’m now married, that’s right married. But the best part is that, not only is my wife practising her deen, she also happens to like the same thing as me. Purematrimony .com is the world’s largest website for practising single Muslim seeking a marriage partner in one place…..

Arfa – Assalamu Alaikkum (wrb) and Welcome to the family matters show. I’m your host, Is e mo qst a rinn mi zinna le mearachd... cha b’ e ar rùn ach thachair e .. ghlaodh mi a latha is a dh’oidhche agus dh’ iarr mi air Allah mo mhaitheanas a gheall mi ..tha am fear a-nis ag iarraidh pòsadh ach chan eil ach a phàrantan a’ gearan.. plss cuidich mi dè a bu chòir dhomh a dhèanamh.. Arfa Saira Iqbal, head of Pure Matrimony. In today’s show, I’m going to be talking to husband and wife team Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba, Alhumdulillah found each other on Purematrimony and got married last year, so without further do, Assalamu Alaikkum and Welcome to you both.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba: Wa Alaikkum Salaam wa rahamthullahi wa barakathuhu.

Arfa: Wow Maasha Allah! How are you both, are you doing well?

Umm Dhul Qarnayn and Abu Nusayba: Alhumdullillah!

Arfa: OK! Excellent, right Mabrook on getting married, honestly Maasha Allah I’m so excited to be talking to you both and you know, I’ve got lots of questions to ask. Mar sin, I’m really gonna just dive right in. So let me start right at the beginning and wanted to ask you both, Tha fios agad, what is your background, what are your ages and what exactly do you do.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: OK, Insha Allah!

Arfa: Seadh, OK, so Just go for it. So sister, if you want to start Insha Allah, So just tell me a little bit about your our age, your profession, what you do, where you live.

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Uill, I live in UAE.

Arfa: OK

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Brought up in UAE, but basically mom is from Bangalore, Dad is from Chennai. As I was brought up in UAE, being like my second hometown, I’ve done myB.E in Computer Science in (coughing) in myin BITS, Pilani. And then since (coughing) sorry for the cough.

Arfa: It’s OK (chuckling…)

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Because I’ve been having a sore throat.

Arfa: Ooh, OK, May Allah cure you, Aimein!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn : Aimein! Aimein!! and thenbeing recently running the muslimah network as a entrepreneur and Insha Allah will be going on for few projects as well in the future.

Arfa: O, That’s fantastic!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: I have been running a few other projects as well in long time previous years like humble hearts, muslimah network and then, I’m right now seeking knowledge in advance fiqh, and prophetic guidance that is a book by Shayk Uthaymeen.

Arfa: O!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn : Mar sin, specialising in that right now.

Arfa: Yup

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Basically student knowledge as well an entrepreneur and a home maker at the same moment

Arfa : Oh Maasha Allah… Wow… (Laughing…) You’ve quite accomplished then… Alhumdulillah…
Umm Dhul Qarnayn : Seadh, Alhumdulillah and

Arfa: Alhumdulillah…

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: ciod an droch rathad a th' ann an slighe an fhir leis an deanar am peacadh trom so… Seadh, Tha mi 31 years old and I forgot to tell my age… bu chòir dhut feuchainn ri a chleachdadh…

Arfa Laughing
Umm Dhul Qarnayn Laughing

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Alhumdulillah, It’s been 6 months since we are married now.

Arfa: Maasha AllahMaasha Allah

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Alhumdulillah, we got married in UAE itself

Arfa: OKFantastic

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Agus…Às deidh ar NIkkah fhuair mi a-mach gu robh mi beagan sheachdainean trom, my dad was likeI like gone through a few like a question and somy dad just passed away… ciod an droch rathad a th' ann an slighe an fhir leis an deanar am peacadh trom so (Sis.Arfa at the background: Inna Lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon) and as he got me married just six month back, so Alhumdulillah, so it has been a great thing he has done for us

Arfa: Às deidh ar NIkkah fhuair mi a-mach gu robh mi beagan sheachdainean trom, Subhan Allah!

Umm Dhul Qarnayn: Mar sin, May Allah bless him with Jannathul Firdous

Arfa: Aimein, Aimein!

Aig Matrimony fìor, Bidh sinn a 'cuideachadh 40 bidh daoine san t-seachdain a’ pòsadh!

Matrimony fìor – An t-Seirbheis Pòsaidh as motha san t-saoghal airson Muslamaich a tha ag obair.
Direct download Link : http://traffic.libsyn.com/purematrimony/Interview_with_Umm_Dhul_Quarnayn.mp3

For more of this interesting & REAL discussion, please listen to the audio above or download from the URL here : https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com/3-years-pure-matrimony-finally-found-one/

6 Beachdan Cha dèan gnè math do phòsadh 3 Bliadhnaichean an dèidh Pòsaidh Pure Agus Lorg mi am fear mu dheireadh!

  1. Iam a christian but has been wanting to convert to islam. And I have long wanted to and feel if I find a God fearing, kind, cunntachail, compassionate and intelligent Muslim man, then he can lead me to get to know the beauty of Islam.

  2. I love listening to the podcasts
    They are very helpful. Iam sooo happy people like you exists , that can help reach out many muslim women and men

Fàg freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh post-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *


Thoir sùil air an app gluasadach ùr againn!!

Iarrtas gluasadach Stiùireadh Pòsaidh Muslamach