Roinn-seòrsa "Pòsadh"


Mar a nì thu do bhean toilichte

Matrimony fìor | | 48 Beachdan

Mar a nì thu do bhean toilichte ? The following is a summary of the bookHow to make your wife happy by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed. Beautiful Reception After returning...


Language of Love

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

Stòr : Like A Garment Email Series by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi Love has many languages. By this, we mean that there are different ways that people express love and recognize...


Be a friend, companion, and soul mate

Matrimony fìor | | 11 Beachdan

Stòr : Like A Garment Email Series by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi What women are looking for A couple that wishes to have a successful relationship must understand each other’s needs....


An Appetizer for a Love-ly Couple

Matrimony fìor | | 4 Beachdan

Stòr : Al-Islaah Publications Tit Bits for a Pious Wife A pious woman’s priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good...


Rudan a dh'fheumas tu fios mu chàirdeas pòsaidh: Rudan a dh'fheumas tu fios mu chàirdeas pòsaidh – Rudan a dh'fheumas tu fios mu chàirdeas pòsaidh !

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Excerpts from : Focusing too heavily on thefor richerpart of the nuptial vows could spell disaster for a marriage, according to research published today by Brigham...


Accept or Decline Polygamy?

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

Accept or DeclineHow do I accept polygamy? It is a question I had asked myself, as accepting polygamy is something I truly wanted to do. I think acceptance comes...


Key Advice for the Newly Wed

Matrimony fìor | | 3 Beachdan

Stòr: Islamic Da’wah Academy “You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibne Mãjah) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat dãmat barakãtuhum advises: 1. Every action is dependant...


Interracial Marriage : Is It Worth It ?

Matrimony fìor | | 46 Beachdan

Stòr : By Aisha Faiz from New York In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Marriage is one of the most important decisions in one’s...

Mus can thu ‘nì mi’

Cùmhnantan ann an Cùmhnant Pòsaidh

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

Stipulations in Marriage Contract HadithAbu Dawud and AI-Hakim on the authority of Abi hurairah, Sahih Al- Jami AI-Sayhir, (Chan eil. 6714) Regarding contracts the Prophet (feuch an cuir thu eagal air Allah le bhith ag ràdh gu bheil an sheikh ceàrr gu sònraichte nuair nach eil thu ceart agus gu follaiseach nach eil thu a’ tuigsinn cò e agus dè an t-eòlas air a bheil e a’ bruidhinn)...


Bòidhchead thu fhèin airson do fhear-pòsda

Matrimony fìor | | 2 Beachdan

Stòr : The Muslim woman makes herself beautiful for her husband by means of make-up, clothing, msaa. In this way she will appear more beautiful and attractive to him,...


The Art of Living With Your In-Laws

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

The Art of Living With Your In-Laws With my in-laws back living with me alhamdulillah, it took me to thinking about living harmoniously and issues of control, privacy and co-operation....


Mo Bhanais Mòr Saill Haraam

Matrimony fìor | | 37 Beachdan

My Big Fat Haraam Wedding In order to get married we may get tempted to do things, which will displease Allah (feumaidh ball gealltainn gum bi e / i ag ùrnaigh a h-uile latha agus gu bheil e / i fìrinneach). In order to find the right person we...

Mus can thu ‘nì mi’

A' Pòsadh Cuideigin le Clann

Matrimony fìor | | 3 Beachdan

Marrying Someone with Children How Do You Feel About Kids? Some people just don’t like kids, and those people just shouldn’t be around themespecially not in the role...


60 Ways to Keep Your Husband's Love

Matrimony fìor | | 44 Beachdan

60 Ways to Keep Your Husband’s Love 1.Behave like a female, i.e.. all the tenderness of a female–a man doesn’t want a man for his wife! 2.Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you...