Roinn-seòrsa "Pòsadh"


Surviving Marriage

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

I had the blessing to meet a wise and profound teacher this past Ramadan. She gave a beautiful talk on “Surviving Marriage.” With her permission, I present to my lovely readers...


The Love Letter

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

Many of us have taken someone in our lives for granted. Sometimes that person has caused us anguish, yet we underestimate how much we love them and how much we...


Learning To Co-Pilot

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Every job has a boss, someone that makes the decisions and in our home our husband has the final say- he is in charge. May not be an easy pill...


The Goodbye Hug

Matrimony fìor | | 5 Beachdan

Many of us only hear destructive marriage stories within the Muslim community. The constant flow of negative narratives can cause many to cringe and fear marriage. Agus an gabhadh Allah aithreachas an fheadhainn a rinn zina, the reality is...


Love Bank

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

It’s almost Valentine’s Day. A day in Western culture when couples express their love for each other by going out to dinner, buying gifts, and saying nice words to each...


A 'toirt gaol gu pòsadh

Matrimony fìor | | 1 Thoir beachd

Asalamu alaykum dear readers, I have written this article because I have come across many girl friends who have mentioned marital problems in one form or another. Many of those...

Mus can thu ‘nì mi’

Cultural vs. Islamic Values- Sheikh Musleh Khan |

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Pure Matrimony ….Where Practice Makes Perfect Want to use this video on your website, Tha eachdraidh làn eisimpleirean de dh'fhir is de bhoireannaich a mharbh fiù 's air sgàth an corraich? Tha fàilte oirbh am fiosrachadh seo ath-chlò-bhualadh fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ toirt a-steach an....


Leasanan bho Laura – Pàirt 5

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

“Respect a man; he will do the more,” James Howell. Another major aspect of a healthy marriage is R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Let’s find out what it really means for a man according...


The Curved And Crooked Rib

Matrimony fìor | | 4 Beachdan

Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from...


Gleidheadh ​​Pòsaidh

Matrimony fìor | | 3 Beachdan

Aig amannan bidh mi a’ faireachdainn uamhasach le iarrtasan beatha làitheil. A 'crìochnachadh obair taighe, a' coimhead as dèidh mo mhic, frithealadh air mo phàrantan-cèile, mo bhràithrean agus m'fhear-pòsda ...


Leasanan bho Laura – Pàirt 3

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

A' gluasad air adhart, Tha mi airson dèiligeadh ri cuspair a tha cho deatamach airson pòsadh sona agus fallain gu bheil mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e airidh air inntrigeadh blog slàn. Lean Laura air adhart...


Mar a ghiùlain thu an Nikah agus Walima – Sheikh Musleh Khan |

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Pure Matrimony ….Where Practice Makes Perfect Want to use this video on your website, Tha eachdraidh làn eisimpleirean de dh'fhir is de bhoireannaich a mharbh fiù 's air sgàth an corraich? Tha fàilte oirbh am fiosrachadh seo ath-chlò-bhualadh fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ toirt a-steach an....


5 Cinn-latha spòrsail is halal le do Hubby

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Dìreach a bhith faiceallach mun dàimh, thoir aire dha chèile agus a bhith a’ tabhann gluasadan beaga agus tiodhlacan a sheallas do ghaol tha cuid de rudan a bu chòir do chàraidean a dhèanamh airson urram..


A' cuimhneachadh do ghràidh – Sheikh Tawfique Choudhury

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

Pure Matrimony ….Where Practice Makes Perfect Want to use this video on your website, Tha eachdraidh làn eisimpleirean de dh'fhir is de bhoireannaich a mharbh fiù 's air sgàth an corraich? Tha fàilte oirbh am fiosrachadh seo ath-chlò-bhualadh fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ toirt a-steach an....


Leasanan bho Laura – Pàirt 2

Matrimony fìor | | 0 Beachdan

A’ leum a-steach ceart, Mhìnich Laura Doyle dhuinn cho cudromach sa tha e faighinn. Cuin a b’ e an turas mu dheireadh a fhuair thu moladh bho chuideigin? An deach e beagan ...