People Of The QuranTheir Status With Allah!

Rangachadh puist

Dèan measadh air an dreuchd seo
Ro Matrimony fìor -

Allah SWT has given the believers many different paths to jannah. Agus an gabhadh Allah aithreachas an fheadhainn a rinn zina, there is a way to attain not only jannah, but also a closeness to Allah SWT that will ensure everlasting peace and tranquility for you in this life and the next.

Those who incorporate the Quran fully into their lives, doing as Allah SWT tells them to do, leaving what it prohibits and closely following its guidance,are the people of the Quranand they will be the closest to Allah SWT in the akhirah!

The Messenger of Allāh SAW said: “Allāh has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allāh, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’ān, the people of Allāh and those who are closest to Him’.

[Ibn Maajah]

Uime sin, make it a daily habit to memorzie even one ayah and put it into practice. Learn as many surahs as you can, taking the time to reflect upon the meaning and trying your best to live by what you learn.

Those who memorize the entire Quran with meaning and understanding are far more beloved to Allah than those who don’t.

May Allah SWT make us the people of the Quran ameen!

Matrimony fìor – An t-Seirbheis Pòsaidh as motha san t-saoghal airson Muslamaich a tha ag obair.

Learning the Quran starts with being able to understand Arabicdo don’t miss out on the AMAZING reward it contains and sign up NOW for the FREE video series which teaches you how to read Arabic with understanding in as little as 21 days.

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Cha tèid do sheòladh post-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *


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