Matrimonio e pais | Unha receita para o desastre ou o éxito | Segunda parte

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Por Puro Matrimonio -

This is part TWO of our webinar on parental involvement in the marriage process!

Do your parents put the pressure on as soon as a good marriage proposal comes through?

Are your parents forcing you into marrying someone you really don’t want to?

Do you feel as if your parents aren’t supporting you in your quest to find someone?

Or are they simply taking over the wedding preparations?
And what exactly does Islam say about parental involvement in the marital process?

Find out in our webinar: ‘Marriage and ParentsA Recipe for Disaster or Success?’ where we will insha’Allah help you understand the following:

• Why you need a wali, as well as who does and who doesn’t
• Your rights when choosing a spouse for yourself
• How to deal with difficult parents or ones who won’t listen
• The problems which occur when parents force their children into marriage
• How your parents should support you throughout the marital process
• The role of your parents AFTER the marriage has taken place

It doesn’t matter if you’ve found someone or are still looking, your parents have rights over you as much as you have rights over them.

Eu nunca recei istikhara aínda, if you’ve always wanted to know exactly how much your parents need to be involved in the marriage process, then join us for our next webinar:

This is a BIG topic, and we STRONGLY recommend you get your parents involved and make sure they register to listen in!
PLUS! Everyone who registers will receive our FREE guide on Parental Involvement – you’ll be able to download and print it off as a tool to help you and your parents make peace over the most important decision of your life!

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1 e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito to Marriage and Parents | Unha receita para o desastre ou o éxito | Segunda parte

e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito

e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito. e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito *


Prevención da relación moza-mozo!!

Prevención da relación moza-mozo