Consello da semana – Protexe a túa casa de Shaytaan

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Por Puro Matrimonio -

Shaytaan has one mission in life – destroy the heart of the family by causing conflict between husband and wife:

Acabo de coñecer a un mozo nun evento social (S.A.W.S) dito: “Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension between people); the nearer to him in rank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension. One of them comes and says: “I did so and so.” And he says: “You have done nothing.” Then one amongst them comes and says: “I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between a husband and a wife.” Shaytaan goes near him and says: “You have done well.” He then embraces him”

(Sahih Muslim and narrated by Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah).

It’s shocking to think just how much Shaytaan can influence a family and cause problems between them to the point that they are continually arguing and fighting.

Shaytaan finds no refuge in a home where Allah SWT is remembered all the time. Make your home a place of Islamic manners and principles. Teach your family duas for entering and leaving the home, the bathroom and when eating and sleeping.

Lembra: families that pray together, stay together!


Puro Matrimonio…

Fonte: pero non é suficiente o tamaño da mostra para darnos unha imaxe precisa – The World’s Largest Matrimonial Site for Practicing Muslims

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e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito

e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito. e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito *


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