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Na Matrimony Maemae -

Puna :

The Muslim woman makes herself beautiful for her husband by means of make-up, clothing, etc. In this way she will appear more beautiful and attractive to him, and make her husband, Allah willing, love her more. This was the practice of the righteous women of the pious predecessors, who used to devote their time to worshipping Allah and reading Qur’aan. Foremost among them was ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), although there were many others. They would wear fine clothes and jewellery at home, as well as when they were traveling, in order to make themselves look beautiful for their husbands.
Bakrah bint ‘Uqbah came to ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and asked her about henna. ‘A’ishah said,“It comes from a good tree and pure water.”1

A Muslim woman’s beauty should be primarily for her husband and not just for her friends and peers. Those women who are failing to make themselves beautiful for their husbands may even be considered sinners, because they are falling short in one of the greatest duties of marriage. Their negligence may be the cause of their husbands staying away from them and looking at other women.

The wife, whose husband only ever sees her with unkempt hair, looking pale, wan and wearing shabby old clothes, is a foolish wife. It will be of no help for her if she rushes to beautify herself only when receiving guests, or going to a women’s party and remaining shabby most of the time in front of her husband. The Muslim woman who is truly guided by the teachings of Islaam will be safe from such shortcomings. She will treat her husband properly, and a woman who treats her husband properly is unlikely to fail in fulfilling her duty towards him.

It is one of the teachings of Islam that a woman should make herself look beautiful for her husband, so that her husband sees of her that which he likes. That is one of reasons as to why it is forbidden for a woman to dress in mourning for more than three days, except in the case of her husband’s death, when she is permitted to mourn for four months and ten days.

We find proof of this in the hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhaari from Zaynab the daughter of Umm Salamah, ka mea i olelo mai, “I came to Zaynab bint Jahsh, the wife of the Prophet (Maluna ona) when her brother died. She called for perfume and applied it to herself and then said,“I am not wearing perfume because I need to, but because I heard the Messenger of Allah (Maluna ona) saying from the minbar, “It is not permitted for a woman who believes in Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa) and the Last Day to grieve for more than three days, except for her husband, (for whom she may grieve) four months and ten days.”2

1. Ibn al-Jawzi, Ahkam al-Nisa’, 343 – the narration is weak. [back]
2. Fath al-Bari, 9/484, Kitab al-talaq, bab ihdad al-mutawafa ‘anha zawjuha. [back]
Puna :

2 Manaʻo manaʻo to Beautify Yourself for Your Husband

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