Uđite u Džennet BEZ obračuna!

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Po Čisti brak -

Autor: Čisti brak

Izvor: Čisti brak

Hardship afflicts everyone at some point in their lives, and is a test from Allah SWT as a means to purify us, elevate us and to see which of us is most deserving of Allah’s Mercy:

“Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested?

And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make (to) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (to) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test)”

[Surah Ankaboot 29:2-3]

Allah dž.š., na mnogo mjesta u Kur'anu kaže da je strpljivost jedna od vrlina Dženneta., and we are commanded to remain patient when afflicted with misfortune and to seek help through prayer:

“I tražite pomoć u strpljivosti i Es-Salahu (molitva) i uistinu, izuzetno je težak i tvrd osim za Al-Khaashi‘oon [tj. istinski vjernici Allaha - oni koji se Allahu potpuno pokoravaju, mnogo se plaši Njegove kazne, i vjerujte u Njegovo obećanje (Raj) i u Njegovim Upozorenjima (Pakao)]”

[Sura Bekare 2:54]

U ovom stihu, Allah dž.š. priznaje da je teško ostati strpljiv, ali također objašnjava da je to obilježje vjernika. “Ako nađete bilo koju osobu koja se bavi homoseksualizmom, Allah dž.š., posebno kaže da je On uz pacijenta:

"Sigurno, Allah je s onima koji su Es-Sabiruni (pacijent)”

[Sura Anfaal 6:46]

Strpljivost ima posebnu vrlinu u islamu:

'Doista, pacijent će dobiti svoju nagradu BEZ računa.'

[Sura Ez-Zumer 39:10]

Učenjaci tefsira su objasnili da ovaj ajet znači da će vam biti data nagrada u ahiru. (Džennah) a da ne morate proći kroz ljestvicu koju će drugi ljudi.

Subhan’Allah! Kakva lijepa nagrada za one koji su strpljivi! Such a huge reward is not for the faint of heart, and one must understand that patience means having full acceptance of Allah’s decree, making a lot of dua and not despairing of His Mercy or complaining about your situation.

Patience was summed up best by the Prophet SAW who said:

“Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily all of his affair is good and this is not for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him”



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