Kako se nositi s emocionalnim utjecajem razvoda – Intervju sa sestrom Arfom Sairom Iqbal – Dio 3

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muslimanski razvod. Kako se točno nosite sa svojim emocijama? How do you move on? I još važnije, what steps can you take to ensure a brighter future for yourself?

razvod i djeca, razvod i djeca.

U ovoj epizodi, Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima talk about the emotional impact of divorce and how to handle people who give you a hard time.

razvod i djeca?

razvod i djeca 7 razvod i djeca: https://purematrimony.com/podcasting/

To listen to part 1 ići: Practical Things You Need To Consider When Going Through A Divorce

To listen to part 2 ići: The Impact Of Divorce on Children

4 Komentari to How To Handle The Emotional Impact Of Divorce – Intervju sa sestrom Arfom Sairom Iqbal – Dio 3

    • Admin čistog braka

      Anyone who can keep a girlfriend while being married is not a trustworthy person. If he is seriously unhappy with his wife, whether he divorces her or not is between him and his wife and not for anyone else to impact this decision.

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