Postovi označeni: "post"

Savjet tjedna

Slušajte Kur'an!

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Ramadan is a time when you exert yourself in worship, and for the believer, a true test of his faith is that he continues the good deeds thereafter. One such...

Savjet tjedna

Post u Šabanu

Čisti brak | | 2 Komentari

Ramazan se brzo približava, a jedan od najboljih načina da se pripremite za ramazan je post u mjesecu šabanu, as was the custom of the...

Savjet tjedna

Nagrade posta

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Od Ebu Hurejre (neka je Allah zadovoljan njime) od Poslanika (3), tko kaže: ‘Allah (moćan i uzvišen neka je On) kaže: Fasting is Mine and it...