Sterilite Manman Kwayan Yo

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Madanm Muhammad yo (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) yo souvan konprann kòm egzanp pou fanm Mizilman yo swiv. Lè yo bay fanm mizilman yo modèl pèfòmans yo vire sou fanm sa yo pou yo montre pyete, fèm, onètete ak obeyisans. Sepandan, sa ki sanble yo bliye nan mitan anpil moun se ke pifò Manman kwayan yo ta defini kòm pa fè pitit jodi a.. Pami fanm sa yo gen de ki ta dwe klase kòm gen lakòz segondè, tou de fè pitit anvan yo marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam). Tout lòt moun pa fè pitit ditou. Ann gade fanm sa yo.

Sawadaa': Li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) yon ti tan apre lanmò Khadijah, twa ane anvan ijra a (migrasyon). Li te yon vèv ki te marye yon fwa anvan. Gen rapò konfli nan referans li fè pitit. Moun ki di ke li te gen yon timoun atribiye yon pitit gason pou li. Li pa fè pitit pandan li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam).

'Aa'ishah: Li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) nan menm ane a kòm Sawdaa', byenke maryaj li pa te fini jis apre migrasyon an nan Medina. Li te pi piti madanm Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) ak sèl jenn fi a. Li pa fè pitit nan maryaj li.

Li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) apre yo fin vin vèv nan moman batay Badr la. Yo di ke li te alantou laj diznèf nan epòk la. Li pa te gen okenn timoun nan premye maryaj li ak Khumays b. Hudhafah ak li pa fè okenn timoun nan maryaj li ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam).

Umm Salamah: Li marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) nan ane a 4 AH. Li te deja marye ak 'Abdullah ibn Abdul Asad epi yo te gen kat timoun ansanm, Zaynab, Bonjou, Umar ak Durra. Li te marye ak Muhammad apre li te vin yon vèv e li te toujou bay Zaynab tete. Li pa fè pitit ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam).

Zaynab bint Jahsh: Li te yon kouzen Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) e li te deja marye ak pitit gason li adopte Zayd bin Thabit. Apre Zayd te divòse li nan 5AH li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) pa dekrè Allah. Li pa fè pitit nan nenpòt ki maryaj.

: Li te marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) apre batay la nan twou a nan 5 A.H. Li te kaptire ak Lè sa a, libere pa Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam); Lè sa a, li te konvèti nan Islam, li marye ak Pwofèt la (lapè ak benediksyon Allah, vanyan sòlda nan, sou li). Li te deja marye anvan li te yon Mizilman nan Musafi’ Ibn Safwan. Li pa fè pitit nan nenpòt ki maryaj.

Umm Habibah: Li marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) nan ane a 7 A.H. Li te deja marye ak 'Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh ki te tounen aposta apre emigre nan Abisini.. Li fè yon sèl pitit fi, Habibah apre emigrasyon li nan Abisini. Li pa fè okenn timoun nan maryaj li ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam).

Ak nan kou si yon fanm pa kapab: Li te yon jwif epi yo te kaptire pandan atak la sou Khaybar nan 7 A.H. Li te libere ak konvèti nan Islam, Lè sa a, marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam). Li te marye de fwa anvan konvèsyon li li pa fè pitit nan okenn maryaj.

Maymoonah: Li marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) nan 7AH. Li te dènye moun ki marye ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam). Li te deja marye ak Ma'sood ibn 'Amr ath-Thaqafi ak Abu Ruhm ibn 'Abdul Uzza.. Li pa fè pitit nan okenn maryaj.

Nou ka fè sipozisyon ke yon pwoblèm fètilite pa t 'manti nan Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam). Li te fè pitit ak premye madanm li Khadijah, kat fi ak de ti gason. Epi li te fè yon sèl pitit, Ibrahim, ak Maryam esklav kopt ki te ba li kòm yon kado apre 7 A.H.

Lè nou pran fanm sa yo kòm egzanp fanm egzanplè sa yo, li etranj pou rezon ki fè kèk moun mete anpil anfaz sou kapasite yon fanm pou prokree ak aktyèlman fè li santi kòm si li te echwe si li pa te fè.!! Isit la nou gen lavi a nan Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) ki pi bon egzanp, e ankò nou gen dezi a mezire valè a nan yon fanm Mizilman pa kapasite li nan pwodwi timoun. Wi, egzanp sa yo nan fanm Mizilman yo pa t 'pwodwi timoun nan maryaj yo ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam). Yo (se pou Allah kontan ak yo) ka defini kòm steril nan limyè de definisyon an komen jou nan lakòz. Poutan, Muhammad (se pou lapè ak benediksyon Allah sou li) pa t divòse yo, ni li pa t ajite yo paske yo pa t fè pitit. Estati yo kòm fanm Mizilman yo pa t 'nan okenn fason defini pa kapasite yo oswa enkapasite yo fè pitit. Nou pa gen okenn dosye sa a menm se yon pwoblèm nan mitan fanm sa yo, men nou fè li yon pwoblèm ant chak koup menm si nou diman konnen yo.

Se espwa mwen ke tout sè mizilman parèy mwen yo ki pa fètil jwenn fòs nan memwa fanm sa yo. Menmsi yo pa fè pitit ak Muhammad (sallallahu 'alyhi wa sallam) li te renmen ak respekte yo epi yo ba yo yon estati kontrèman ak lòt fanm nan Ummah nou an (nasyon mizilman).

Sous :

17 Kòmantè to Infertility Of The Mothers Of The Believers

  1. Bernadette

    Jou Aksyon de Gras! I really needed to read this as I was so depressed about this issue currently! This article brought tears of joy from tears of sadness for me! I am so much more happy and grateful because I can feel the pain beginning to leave me. Jazakallah!

    • May Allah bless you with His best of the best children. Chè sè, after reading your comment, just the thought of how much pain you are in brought sadness to my heart. I’m happy that this topic eased your pain a little. I just wanted to say to never give up your hope. Allah is always listening to us and is always with us at all time. All we need to do is to go toward Him and ask Him. If He gives us what we want, it’s His blessing and if He doesn’t give us what we want then that means He has even better plan for us. Once I heard somewhere that Ali R.A. once said, ” when my dua is heard, I get happy, because I wanted that. And when my dua is not heard, then I get even happier, because this is what my God wanted.May Allah forgive me, if I’m wrong. I don’t have the exact words in english, but this is what I translated from urdu writing. I loved this saying, and it makes me very satisfied. May Allah keeps you happy, satisfied, successful and peaceful always! Here in this world and do the best for you in the Aakhira. Have a strong faith in Allah! I’m sure you do. That’s why your heart melted at this topic. Bondye beni w.

  2. khadeeza yasmin

    The pain I feel when people ask me why I don’t have children, the verbal abuse I get from my husband, and the shame felt from myself within….. Jazakallah for this article. And like the above sister, it brought tears to my eyes and more love for islam and our beloved rasool (wè)

  3. Subhan Allah…this article came at the right time as I am also facing the same issue as the ladies here..People keep asking me when will i have children but my reply is always ‘It is in God’s hands and not up to us to decide when’. I am thankful to Allah swt that I have a very understanding husband and family members who give me support for at least I still hv a place where I can lean on and confide..may Allah swt gives us the strength to face the challenges in our lives for Allah swt knows best..

  4. Khadeeza and Rashal, May Allah bless you guys with His Rehmat! Ameen! May you both get the most pious and the righteous children, Ameen. I’m feeling so bad just reading your comments, and you guys have to live it. Always keep you faith high in Allah. Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed. Allah does everything for a reason. Whoever bad mouth you guys, they don’t know what they say is being written by their angels and is being reported to Allah and the worst part is that they’re hurting you. Se pou Allah gide nou tout, Ameen! May Allah opens theirs hearts and make them realize their mistakes and may they feel love for you, instead of hatered. Ameen! I’ll pray for all of you too, Insha'Allah. I hope you guys don’t mind me replying to your comments.

  5. Your sister in Islam

    WL……all Praise for Allah SWT, who has blessed me with loving & supporting husband and family. Its been about 11 years now since i’ve been facing questioning looks from people around, for not having kids………..nevertheless i’m so glad n satisfied that Allah SWT has blessed me with a chance to learn his book and know him better. If i have had kids, i would surely not be where i am today, doing what i am 🙂
    This article has yet again given me strength and motivation to carry on without feeling low, coz indeed Allah SWT knows what’s best for us.
    To all of my sisters here i would like to say…….do not loose hope, be consistent in your duas, ask Allah SWT for the best for yourselves & the best would come along….INSHA ALLAH.
    from this article we know for sure that being childless is not the end of this world, there’s alot to do other than that.
    May Allah SWT bless us all with the righteous child/children if that would benefit our DUNYA & AAKHIRAH…..AAMEEN 🙂

    • Asalaamualaikam sisters i too have been married for nearly 9 years and still not a mother sadly but i enjoy spending time with my nieces gives me a bit of peace in my heart as i really want to be a mother. I would love to adopt but my husband wants to wait till we have our own 🙁 . I just make dua that one day i will be a mother thats all i want even if adopted please make Dua for me i feel so alone sometimes but i know im not Allah kareem is with me. I hope all you feel better soon this article helped me a lot.
      Jazak Allah Kher

  6. Naveen Malik

    Asslam u alaikum wr wb
    May ALLAH Bless you for your beautiful perspective and May He enhance it for you. amèn. Jazakillah khair- even though I have been blessed with 2 Sa yo se pawòl mwen te di mari m nan kèk ane de sa lè li te mansyone m ke li gen entansyon marye ankò yon dezyèm fwa., it is amazing to see what erroneous concepts we have regarding our own worth. Or worth is as the slave of ALLAH no more and no less- if we fail to live upto that part, that is the problem,

  7. Bonjou, just wanted to raise an error in the article. Mispelling of one of the ummul mu’mineen names- Maariyah Qibtiyyah (Maria the Copt) not Maryam.

  8. As Salam Alai kum,

    I m in 36 years of age.
    I m not even married, looking out for marriage proposals, And being reminded by the chances of Infertily by my Mother, and she would ask me to marry a person who is already married and do hve children.

    Would tat be solution

    JazakAllah Khairan.

  9. I never knew this , its a new and inspiring addition of knowledge,,,it is happening to me even though I am only married for one year but I always feel guilty for not having a child,even now I can’t stand looking at a child and a mother together,,i feel that I am not worth a wife but now reading this new information I know I am not the only person,,,i pray for Allah every day to give me sabr and expecally my husband who even though he scared of hurting my feeling I still feel ,he is loosing the love he has for me. I pray for Allah also for the other sisters to get children.

  10. Had almost lost hope

    JazakAllahkhair for this wonderful article sister! The number of infertilile cases has increased at an alarming rate thanks to our lifestyle and food habits..As for me,been trying for over 4 years now and been suffering from mental stress and depression..the treatment does have certain effects on the mind and body,after all its hormones..
    .Even before I read this aricle i would console myself thinking of these greatest women in Islam especially Ayesha..maybe my Iman isn’t strong enough,i just keep losing faith again and again..Inspite of being blessed with a loving husband and an understanding family I do end up feeling worthless as a woman in the end..I dont grieve for myself, but for my dear husband because he is so patient..
    i have decided to strive in the name of Allah and now am concentrating on Islamic classes and reading..I do lose track ,but then something or the other happens to help me pick up..
    Insha Allah if it is in my naseeb I pray for a pious and saalih offspring..

  11. Assalaamu’Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Baraktuhu Sister,

    Jazaki’Allaahu’Khayr for this article. These past few months I have been battling with the effects of Leukemia and Lukopenia the chances of becoming pregnant are increasingly lower now. I was married once before and had a son, sepandan, being divorced and remarried to a man that doesn’t have children,I have been praying so much to have a baby.

    Ironically, I am the one being hard on myself about not being able to have children. My husband comes from a huge family and most of siblings who are married have at least three children.

    Masha’Allaah, I am so grateful that my new husband has taken to my son and decided to raise him as his own, sepandan,I do at times feel like a failure because I have not been able to conceive a child with him. He has been so supportive in the fact that I have not been able to, and feels that my son from previous marriage is sufficient for him.

    What is sad is that my friends are having children all the time and I feel so sad that I have not been able to grant my husband this simple joy of life. Kounye a, having read this article I feel so inspired. Allaah does send small and big blessings everyday. I feel the pain of not being able to have a child leave my soul.

    I am sure my husband will feel so relieved because he told me the other day, ‘I hate to see you so sad about this. Having a child or not having a child will never effect the way I feel about our marriage.I do feel blessed in someways that I do have a caring husband, alhamdulillaah. Now I feel more blessed that because of this reminder I do not have to feel like a failure for not having a child. Thank you again. Se pou Allah (swt) reward you for all your good efforts in sharing knowledge feesabilAllaah. Ameen!



  12. Jazakhallahu khaira sister. To all the sisters( i inclusive) asking Allah for children. May Allah grant us righteous children. Ameen.

  13. My husband did hurt me by saying today that I cannot have children because of my black heart. This his not the first time he said stuff like this to me. He asked to marry me after him having another wife and two kids with her.

    • Asalaamualaikam sister sometimes its pressure on your husband too and they say things they dont mean

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