A hét tippje: Ha nem tud házasodni, akkor gyorsan

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Által Tiszta házasság -

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (KI) – számolt be Mohamed próféta (Allah áldása és békessége legyen vele) mint mondják, “Fiatal férfiak, akik el tudnak tartani egy feleséget, házasodjanak meg, for it keeps you from looking at strange women and preserves you from immorality but those who cannot, should devote themselves to fasting, for it is a means of suppressing sexual desire. (Bukhari és muszlim)

Zina is sadly a common disease amongst the youth today. There are countless cases of practising brothers and sisters falling into this trap because they are ‘in loveand once they start, they can’t stop.

This is why the sunnah is to marry young, because it prevents you from so many sins. But what’s not known so much is that if you’re not in a position to marry for whatever reason, then you must fast.

Fasting lowers your desire for all things haram including intimacy, and is the best prevention from sin other than marriage. So the next time a bad thought even crosses your mind, make the intention to fast so that Allah SWT may purify your heart and protect you from sin.

May Allah SWT make it easy for us all ameen.

Tiszta házasság

www.PureMatrimony.com – A világ legnagyobb házassági szolgálata gyakorló muszlimok számára.


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