
Miliki Istiqamah Dalam Ibadah

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Meindeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let...



Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

One of the true beauties of our beloved religion Islam is Amanah. The meaning of amanah is trustworthiness, atau, it is something or someone left to someone to protect or...

Kehidupan keluarga


Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

Diagnosis tersembunyi dan rasa sakit seumur hidup Orang tua saya menikah satu sama lain di akhir 70-an di Karachi. Mereka pindah ke Brooklyn, NY, tempat ibuku melahirkan...


Kesalahpahaman Tentang Situs Pernikahan Muslim!

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

Sender’s profile photo Not all matchmaking sites are made equal! Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima Farooqi discuss the questions and misconceptions surrounding Muslim Matrimonial Sites. Take a FREE 7 Day...


Cara Menolak Proposal

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima Farooqi talk about to reject a proposal in the right way! Dan ya, there is a right and a wrong way to do that! Learn...