Tip Minggu Ini: Jangan Sengketa

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Oleh Pernikahan Murni -

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (salam sejahtera untuknya) dikatakan:“He who gave up disputing while he is right, a palace of high rank in Paradise will be built for him. He who gave up disputing while he is a fabricator, a palace in the center of Paradise will be built for him.” (al-Tirmidhi who declared it as hasan)

Disputes are one of the major causes of break ups, enmity and grudges between people. Disputes can tear apart nations and divide people like nothing else, which is why we are recommended to keep away from it.

Dalam hadits lain, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (salam sejahtera untuknya) dikatakan:

“There are no people who went astray after having been guided except for indulging in disputation.” (al-Tirmidzi)

This hadith refers to those people who love to dispute in the deen without proper knowledge or to boast and show off. Lagi, the underlying theme is that we should avoid disputes in religion too.

As a final warning to others, consider the words of one our beloved Sahaba:

Bilal ibn Sa’d radiAllahu `anhu (ra) dikatakan, “If you see a disputing, arrogant, and bigoted person, bear in mind that they are utterly lost.”

Pernikahan Murni

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