Un terreno più alto per i nostri matrimoni – Un terreno più alto per i nostri matrimoni

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Do you wake up feeling as if there’s no point to life?

Do you spend most of your days tearful and sad?

Are you struggling to get through each day?

Are you feeling alone and as if no one understands you?

Then don’t be sad, because help is at hand!
In our new webinar ‘Dealing With Depression In The Light Of The Qur’an And Sunnah’, our resident marriage guidance counsellor Sheikh Musleh Khan deals with a difficult subject that is often pushed to one side and ignored.

The Prophet SAW went through periods of depression in his life, and Allah SWT sent comfort to him through many ways.

In this thought-provoking webinar, you’ll learn:

• The various kinds of depression and how to identify them
• The various duas and adhkar you need to combat depression once and for all
• The key takeaways and life lessons from the most relevant surahs in the Quran
• When to get medical help
• Practical tools and techniques to alleviate depression
• The importance of your connection to Allah SWT and how to use this to deal with sadness

Depression doesn’t have to be a lonely journey, nor does it need to feel like a black cloud hanging over your daily life. Left unchecked, depression can lead to long-term ill health, so don’t let this happen to you!

Ci siamo stati tutti. Quell'immensa sensazione di tristezza che minaccia di inghiottirti in un gigantesco buco nero di disperazione. That feeling of being the loneliest person in the world even when surrounded by people. That empty, empty feeling in your heart.

You think you can’t talk to anyone about how you feel as they won’t understand. But chances are, the stranger sitting next to you is feeling the exact same way. Are we just being ungrateful in our lives, or is there a real explanation for why we feel this way?

In questo webinar presentato dallo sceicco Musleh Khan, we discuss depression from an Islamic perspective. Based on only 5 verses of the Qur’an (Surah Hijr verses 95-99), we discover the ultimate cure to depression. By analysing the complex structure of each sentence, Sheikh Musleh explains in depth the message of hope, positivity and self belief that Allah SWT sends to all of his creation. We guarantee you’ll be blown away

Questo webinar gratuito ti è stato offerto da Pure Matrimony, il più grande servizio matrimoniale musulmano del mondo per i musulmani praticanti, come parte della nostra missione per aiutare a educare e informare i musulmani a beneficio della comunità più ampia nel suo insieme.

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