Gli uomini d'affari onesti saranno cresciuti con i martiri

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Di Matrimonio Puro -

Honesty and trust is a major component of Islam – and this goes for business transactions also. Done ethically and with utmost honesty and transparency, running a business can be a source of blessing and can help you accumulate good deeds to the extent that Allah SWT loves you!

Allo stesso modo, if you are dishonest and unjust in your business dealings, then you are distancing yourself from Allah’s Mercy.

The Prophet SAW taught a great deal on ethical trading and said:

‘An honest and trustworthy merchant will be [raised] with the Prophets, the truthful and the martyrs.’


When the Prophet SAW was asked about which kind of gain was the best, He SAW said: ‘A man’s work with his hands, and every legitimate sale’. (Ahmad)

From the above it is clear that a Muslim trader must be determined to earn only through legitimate means and leaving that which is in doubt or cause for concern.

It’s important to note that in the Quran, Allah SWT made an example out of the people of the Prophet Shu’ayb (COME) who were destroyed because of their consistent deceit and trickery when trading.

May Allah SWT give us all the ability to trade and do business ethically ameen.

Matrimonio Puro

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