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Di Matrimonio Puro -

Allah SWT commands us to check our intentions whenever we do a good deedbecause Shaytaan is there trying to make our good deeds a source of pride among people so it ruins us.

Il profeta (Muhammad, che Dio lo benedica e gli conceda la pace) disse:

“Whoever shows off, Allaah will expose him.”

(Narrato da al-Bukhari, 6134; musulmano; 2986).

Ibn Hajar said: al-Khattaabi said, this means: whoever does something that is not sincerely for the sake of Allaah, merely wanting people to see him and hear him, will be punished for that – Allaah will expose him and make known what he is concealing.

It was said that whoever does something with the intention of gaining status and prestige among people, and does not seek the Face of Allaah by doing it, Allaah will make him the subject of bad speech among the people in whose eyes he wanted to gain status, and he will have no reward for it in the Hereafter.

(Fath al-Baari, 11/336)

May Allah SWT cleanse our hearts of corrupt intentions and allow us to do good deeds to have the pleasure of seeing His Face in the Hereafter – ameen.


Matrimonio Puro – Il più grande servizio matrimoniale al mondo per i musulmani praticanti

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