Consiglio della settimana: le virtù di Rajab

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Di Matrimonio Puro -

Autore: Matrimonio Puro

The month of Rajab is now upon us and has been mentioned by Allah as one of the four sacred months.

Allah dice nel Corano: "In verità, il numero di mesi con Allah è di dodici mesi (in un anno), così fu ordinato da Allah nel Giorno in cui creò i cieli e la terra; di loro quattro sono Sacri. Questa è la religione giusta, so wrong not yourselves therein…” (Corano 9:36)

The four sacred months are in fact: Rajab, Dhul Qa’dah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram – Ramadan has not been mentioned in these months, even though the Mu’mins place the most emphasis in this month.

The reason for this is that during the four sacred months, fighting and war was completely prohibited. Scholars have also said that while in Ramadan all the good deeds you do are multiplied, during the four sacred month the weight of your sins ALSO increase!

May Allah SWT protect us from this! You should therefore strive to please Allah harder during these months. Rajab and Shaban are the precursors to Ramadan, so increasing in your worship during these months will help you to prepare for Ramadan Insha’Allah.

It should be noted however that the Prophet SAW did NOT perform particular actions during Rajab such as extra fasting or offering extra salah. o anche la carnagione abbronzata era, the scholars have said that the Prophet SAW would increase his overall worship.

Therefore singling out Rajab just for fasting or any other action solely for Rajab would be an innovation. What is ok is increasing your good actions during the scared months overall. Al Irwaa mentioned that Umar RA used to hit those who used to fast only during Rajab, since it was a form of innovation (Le virtù di recitare Sura Kahf).

Perciò, use Rajab and Shaban as a great starting point to be extra mindful not to commit sin and to increase your worship overall in preparation for Ramadan. May Allah SWT make it easy for us all to worship Him in the best of ways ameen!

Matrimonio Puro

….dove la pratica rende perfetti

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1 Commento to Tip Of The Week -Virtues of Rajab

  1. Macha Allah. Very informatative article about the month of Rajab. May Allah swt reward you.
    Asslam alikum warhamtullah wabrakatuh

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