Tip Minggu: Don’t Be Extreme In Your Deen

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Reported by Abu Huraira (RA): Kanjeng Nabi (tentrem rahayu) ngandika, “Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights.”[Bukhari]

Subhan’Allah it’s clear from the above hadith that Islam encourages you to take the middle ground in the deen rather than doing too much and then being so exhausted that you can’t continue and abandon it altogether.

The reality is that if you find practicing Islam difficult, then putting demands on yourself while you haven’t perfected what you already know is a recipe for failure. You will then surely find excuses not to stay upon the deen.

The best advice is to perfect your salah and perfect and establish what you already know rather than pile on other good deeds that you won’t be able to maintain. Lan pungkasane, it’s important to remember that Allah SWT loves and rewards consistency. So be consistent in your good deeds instead and remember that practice makes perfect!

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….Where Practice Makes Perfect

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