60 Әйеліңіздің махаббатын сақтау жолдары

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Осы жазбаға баға беріңіз
Авторы Таза неке -
1. Make her feel secure. Allow her to feel the sakeena.
2. Greet her with “As-salaamu-alaikum wa rahmatullah”this will keep the shaytan out of your home
3. Know your wife is a fragile whistletake care of this whistle (яғни. treat her in a gentle way)
4. Advise her in privacy and during a loving, romantic and/or peaceful atmosphere
5. Be generous to your wife
6. Give her your space/seat
7. Avoid angerone way is to keep wudhu at all times, another is to sit down or lie down when angry
8. Looking good, smelling great
9. Don’t be rigid or you maybe brokenbe good and be flexible
10. Be a good listener
11. Say Yes to flattery, No to arguments
12. Call your wife with the best of names
13. Give her pleasant surprises
14. Preserve the tongue (яғни. don’t say abusive words since some words take years to wipe out)
15. Accept her shortcomings
16. Show her that you appreciate her
17. Encourage her to keep her kin relationships, especially with her mother and father
18. Pick topics of interest to her during conversations
19. Show that she is a wonderful wife in front of her relatives (and friends)
20. Give her gifts all the time
21. Get rid of the “rust” (routine of life) once in a while
22. Think good of your wife
23. Overlook any small words or actions that you did not like (яғни. don’t save them in your memory)
24. Add a drop of patience every day. Increase this patience during pregnancy and her monthly cycle
25. Expect and respect her jealousy
26. Be humbleknow that her success at home is your success
27. Don’t make your friends happy at the cost of your wife’s happiness
28. Help with housework
29. Don’t try to force your wife to love your mother. Help her to respect your mother and father and gradually the love will come
30. Make her feel that she is an ‘ideal’ wife
31. Remember your wife in your du’a
32. Leave the past to Allah (ОЖТ) яғни. don’t dig up past issues
33. Don’t show that you are doing a favour when you do something (мысалы. bring food home etc.). Know that Allah (ОЖТ) is the provider and your are only a courier
34. Treat the Shaytan (and not your wife) as your enemy. мысалы. when an argument breaks out know that present is you, your wife and shaytan.
35. Feed your wife with your handsthis is a blessing
36. Look at your wife as a “precious pearl”so protect her from the envy of the shayateen
37. Show her your “pearls” (smiles) – smiling is like giving in charity
38. Deal with the little things/problems immediately before they become big issues
39. Dont’t be hard or harsh-hearted
40. Respect her thinking and thought
41. Help her to dig within herself to find success
42. Respect the boundaries of the intimate relationship
43. Help her take care of your children
44. Give her the gifts of the tongue
45. Sit down and eat meals together with your wife
46. Let her know when you are travelling and the date and time you are coming back (яғни. no surprises)
47. Don’t leave your home to avoid an argument
48. Protect the secrecy and privacy of your homedon’t share it with others
49. Encourage each other in worshiping Allah (ОЖТ) – мысалы. дұғалар, attend lectures, plan to go on hajj or umrah trip together
50. Know her rights and treat them as something that are engraved in your heart and conscious
51. Live with them with kindnesstreat your wife with goodness in prosperity and adversity
52. “Send a messenger” before any intimite relationship (яғни. kissing and sweet words)
53. Don’t share your family problems with others (except when seeking genuine islamic advice)
54. Show that you care for her health
55. Know that you have shortcomings and are not always right
56. Share your happiness and sadness with your wife
57. Have mercy on her weakness
58. Be the “comfortable chest” for her and allow her to lean on you
59. Accept her “as-is”
60. Have a good intention (niyaah) for your wife at all the times

59 Пікірлер дейін 60 Әйеліңіздің махаббатын сақтау жолдары

  1. Mustafa Abdul Allah

    As Salaamu Alaikum,

    This is some very good advice and reminder. Where was all of this when I needed so badly? О, well inshaallah I will be able to use it, and remember it for the future, рахмет.

  2. vanessa

    much men must read this carefull.becausse the are many ,who dont know this,i’am married with pakistani men,i’am pregnant,and we have some fight,and one week hy never speak to me,and now hy dump me .wat is this.i’am 6 monght pregnant.butt allah is with me.(allah kareem)

    • Geeky

      I can assure not all Pakistanis are like this, at least I am not. Remember it is Allah who shows us the right path. Pray for him and he will either inshaAllah come back or you may even get a better more loving man.

      • vanessa

        yeah inshallah hy will see ,butt i hope it is not to late.i know not all pakistanis are like this.the are many good men also,who respeckt there woman.i just pray for my baby ,that se can now here father.

        • Муслима

          Asalaamualaikum sister, I can feel your pain. I am married to a Pakistani man too and my husband treated me the same in my pregnancies. I was sick and weak and needed help and care, he had no mercy for me….subhanAllah the ways mentioned above to keep the wife happy is so true and means alot to us women. It brought tears in my eyes when i read themmy husband never did admit that he was unjust to me. I still love my husbandafter all he is my husband and father of my kids….and yes he does pray five times a day and is good when it comes to halal and haram. I ask Allah (ОЖТ) to give me the patience to tolerate him for the sake of my kids. I ask Allah (ОЖТ) to forgive me if I am wrong, but I have noticed almost all pakistani men are so non caring and have no helping handsi have seen it in my inlaws and some pakistani friends i have…. other communities their men treat the wives the best and with so much patience and love and care when their wives are pregnant….and they ignore the nagging wife when they are experiencing their monthly cyclebut my husband will not ignore or show mercy at all…..Субхан Алла!! Only if men knew the hardship and difficulties of the pregnancy….
          Please brothers have mercy on your wives. We women are very weak and emotional….when you hurt us we break inside outit takes forever to forget and be happy again.
          i pray for you my sister…Алла разы болсын (ОЖТ) be with you and you have a happy life inshaAllah. If he thinks its so easy for him to dump you and go ahead with his lifeknow that Allah (ОЖТ) is so JUst , if he treats you like this now and easily walks out of your life, he will never find peace inshaAllah! You don’t be scared if he does soyou don’t need a person like him in your life who threatens you when you need him the most….whatever happens happens for your best 🙂 inshaAllah
          Алла жар болсын (ОЖТ) change my husband so that he becomes more merciful and caring and give him understanding. Әумин

        • amina khan

          Assalam alaikum sister vanessa..

          Its so sad to hear the predicament you are in. I pray allah makes it easy for you. allah has truly blessed you with a child. remember that during pregnancy the days are like fasting and the nights are like tahajjad so do as much as dua as you can..have faith….Im a psychologist so inshallah if u feel like you need to talk to someone in a counselling capacity you can contact me. sorry for the randomness i just feel very strongly about your situation. i had a friend that was in a similar situation to you and alhamdulillah she is now very happy..

          May allah make things easy for you

          Amina Khan

    • Vanessa Try to understand him and convence him to pray 5 times a day because if he has faith to Allah i am sure that he will do good thing to you. Let him to read this ( 60 ways to keeps your wife love ) If there is a problem between you and him try to settle with him smoothly.

  3. okeowo Rashidat Oluwakemi

    Sallam alaykum, thanks for the great work. May ALLAH ‘swtrewards you with better things both in this world and the year to come’ameenand l also pray to ALLAH’swtto make it easy for our husbands to implement. Ma-sallam.

  4. SufSuf Tayita

    These steps should be taken by both the wife and the husband, and not just for the husband to read and follow..

    Then the title should read:
    Happy Spouse, Happy House” !!!!
    Ана дегенді аңсаған, бірақ өмір бойы апайдың сөзін ести алатындар..мен де сол әйелдің қатарында

  5. Engr. Shehu

    Ассаляму алейкум,
    JazakAllahu Khairan with these expensive words that guide to a successful marriage. May Allah give us the ability to practice this 60 ways to keep our wives love.

  6. Nida B

    Alhamdolillah, Алла баршамызға жар болсын…
    luckily i’ve got all these things in my husband n blessed to have a such caring n loving husband from Allahn may Allah help me to be a gud wife.. Әумин!

  7. Habiba Bello

    WL! Ақырында, someone is selfless enough to highlight how women should be treated as opposed to the constant literature telling women how men should be revered and treated. Allah is selfless & kind and he cares about the woman just as much as He cares about the man. He is Al- Adl, the Just.

  8. sagir

    These are fine pieces of information, of which much is known but i have benefited from a few new ones and reminder over the known ones. i for example thought the best way to deal with an argument with a woman is to run away from it and believed its better to keep ones worries to ones self but share happiness. I think the women would do a lot of good by finding pleasant ways of educating us about there needs because i can say with confidence all the men i know aspire to be the best husbands they can be but they get frustrated and give up, most of us men feel there is no need trying too hard because we feel there is no way we can really know what women really want and think women have themselves to blame about this because it seems they do everything to confuse us, we even ask and they don’t tell us, so what do we do. i thank God for these kinds of websites and women please stop sabotaging yourselves and as a consequence also sabotaging us.

  9. Jawaharrah Abdullah

    Сәлем. I have went through some problems of my own. I see that there are examples of men with they’re women but where is the one on how women should treat they’re men? i would like to know be cause there are some things people tell me but im not sure if its true. may you please make one on how we should treat our men??? Рақмет сізге !!!
    Inshallah that women will start doing better!!!!


    I am a convert muslim and proud to my beloved husband that treated me well and understanding what i am up and down sometimes we have misunderstanding but we can talk smoothly and give apologized each other, thanks ALLAH for giving me a loving husband. ALHAMDULILLAH AMEEN

  11. Лейла

    I sent this to my husband who wants to divorce. I am not sure if our divorce is right I am trying hard to keep our family together. I love him dearly, but he seems not to want to forgive me for my short comings and I do not know how to get him to let go of anger. He divorced me in anger, and I know it is not right. I even tried to get an Imam to talk to him but he will not forgive me. I am lost I hope he will read this.


  12. Mohammad Zakiul Karim

    Ассаляму алейкум, I have married and 1’st week of after my marriage i knew she was married before, actually i need some advise and I’m not sue from where i will get proper advice and there are so many things i need to discus of my life and i don’t want to open my name also, so plz tell me where should i wright all my discussion. plz for the shake of GOD help me. I’m trying my best to stay with Al Hamdu Lillah: but the pain couldn’t take anymore so plz for the shake of GOD help me

  13. Adeem Shahzad

    МашАллах…Beautiful sayings of Prophet Muhammad (с.ғ.с)
    im getting married in February 2012 INSHALLAH
    i im already a very loving & kind heart personbut also i will follow this sayings of Prophet Muhammad (с.ғ.с) INSHALLAH!

    Thank you for this Beautiful Hadith.

    From Pakistan
    Living in Dubai.

  14. Aziz Ahmad

    Honest,candid wife with peaceful home,Allah guide us with real ways of life with our wives.It’s guarantee if we fallow our Islamic ways,implement the rules of Islamic laws with gentle at home your life for ever full of happiness.

  15. aishah

    Assalamu alaikom warahmatula wabarakatu. Жазакаллаху хайран, thanks for sharing. WL, ALLAH(swt) gave me very understanding & loving husband now…. but i want to share this to my ex husband who has not treated me fairly & dump me for no valid reason. Astaghfirullah may Allah(swt) forgive me if i make sins for this. anyway just want to share w/ him so that he can treat his present wife fairly. can i give you his name but pls. dont publish here. shukran…. Алла разы болсын(swt) shower you more blessings… аумин.

  16. Abdul Aftab

    SubhanAllahI am a happily Married and Allhamdulillah we both share a very good understanding!!!! May Allah protect us from all the Bad things in World, i had read this before my Marriage and Allhamdulillah had shared also with many friends and i am sure any good person who reads this will surely Love his Wife with much more care and affection!!! May Allah protect each and everyone of us from Divorce, Misunderstandings, Ego, Jealousy and Extra Marital affairs!!! Proud to be a Muslim Allhamdulillah!!!

  17. Amanda

    Salam Alaykum! Been looking for something like this forever! әсіресе Батыс әлемінде, I showed my husband and he really enjoyed seeing this as he realized how important it is to treat your wife. Also I have learned a lot as well. Inshallah things get better:)

  18. Najah

    May Allah reward u. I pray to Allah SWT to give me such a man. I believe someday someone worthy of my love will be able to love me and see how amazingly unique I am.

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