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Дереккөз : http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthread.php?240917-Characteristics-of-a-Pious-Wife-Husband
Al-Islaah Publications

Tit Bits for a Pious Wife
A pious woman’s priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good wife by following the examples of the Prophet
(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and obeying what is commanded in the Book of Allah. Complete obedience and adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and Quran is the best of a woman’s qualities.

Әйел төрт себеппен үйленеді: for her wealth, for her fame, for her beauty and for her religion. So marry one for her religion and you will win. [Бұхари & мұсылман]

Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands) and guard in their husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard (мысалы. their honor, husbands property, т.б) [4:34]

An-Nasaii narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) was asked “Who are the best of women?– деп жауап берді, “The one who pleases him (оның күйеуі) if he looks at her, obeys him if he orders (оның) and does not subject her honor or money to what he dislikes.”

Ibn Hibban narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) айтты, “If a woman prayed five prayers, fasted in Ramadan, protected her honor and obeyed her husband; then she will be told (on the Day of Judgment): enter Paradise from any of its(eight) doors.”

Reflect on:
If a woman harms (in any way) оның күйеуі, then his wife in Paradise tells her: “Do not harm him, May Allah fight you, he is only staying temporarily with you. Soon he will come to us.” [Ахмад & At-Tirmithi]

If a man calls his wife to bed and she refuses till he slept while angry, then the Angels will curse her till the morning. [мұсылман]

Allah does not look to the woman who does not appreciate her husband while she cannot stand his departing her. [An-Nasaii].

A woman does not fast while her husband is present without his permission, except in Ramadan. [Әл-Бухари & мұсылман]

Any woman who asks her husband for divorce for no reason will not smell the fragrance of Paradise. [Sahih Al-Jamii]

Пайғамбар(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) айтты, “If I were to order anyone to bow down to other than Allah, I would order the wife to do so for her husband. By the One who owns the soul of Muhammad,if a wife does not fulfill her obligations towards her husband, then she will not have fulfilled her obligations towards Allah.” [Ахмад]

Tit Bits for a Pious Husband

Қиямет күні :Allah will ask men if they fulfilled their obligations towards their families. They who fear Allah will do their best to direct the way his wife and children live by educating himself and his family to living according to the Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and the Holy Qur’an, the final word of Allah.

Пайғамбар(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) айтты, “The best of you is the best one to his family.” [Al-Tabarani]

To share food with her, to provide her with (decent) clothes as he provides himself, to refrain from smacking her, and not ignoring her but in the house. [Ахмад]

One should not hate his believer wife. If he dislikes some of her attitudes, he would (surely) like others (attitudes). [мұсылман]

Woman was created from a bent rib and will not be made straight for you on one way (that you like). If you want to enjoy her, you enjoy her while she is still bent. If you want to straighten her up, сен оны сындырасың. Breaking her is divorcing her. [Әл-Бухари & мұсылман]

Жасаңыз (volunteer) ораза (some days) and do not fast (in other days), pray at night (some nights) and sleep (in other nights). Your body has a right on you (to rest), your eye has a right on you (to sleep), and your wife has a right on you. [Әл-Бухари & мұсылман]

Fear Allah in (treating) әйелдер. [мұсылман]

Be advised to treat women righteously. [Әл-Бухари & мұсылман]

Және олармен абыройлы өмір сүр. Егер сіз оларды ұнатпасаңыз, it may be that you dislike a thing that Allah brings through it a great deal of good. [ Құран 4:19]

Пайғамбар (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) айтты,”A Dinar (a currency) that you spend on your family, a Dinar that you spend on a poor person and a Dinar that you spend in the sake of Allah. The one that carries the most reward is the one that you spend on your family.” [мұсылман]

Пайғамбар(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said to Saaid ibn Abi Waqqas,”Know that no charity that you give whether small or large, Алла разылығы үшін, but you will be rewarded for it, even the bite (of food) that you put in your wife’s mouth.” [Бұхари & мұсылман]
Дереккөз : http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthread.php?240917-Characteristics-of-a-Pious-Wife-Husband
Al-Islaah Publications

4 Пікірлер to An Appetizer for a Love-ly Couple

  1. I would just like to point out that some of the hadiths regarding obedience to ones husband are weak and in some cases even fabrications. Marriage is a contract between two people who should share the responsibilities equally. Sometimes it will go the husbands way, sometimes it will go the wifes way and sometimes there has to be meeting in the middle. Obedience is a strong word to use for husband wife relationships. There is obedience, but not blind obedience and not to the point of making the wife subservient.

    • фатима

      Ассалямуалейкум….. We muslims are bound to accept the sayings of Quran and Sunnah without questioning….we all know husbands has upperhand in few matters over his wife….bfr marriage we women are abide to obey our father but after marriage its her husband who has the right on hershe can’t even leave her house to meet the parents without husbands permission….if we hv to please Allah we have to listen and follow wat!s said…….
      Jazakallahu khairan..

    • obeying your husband’s authority does not mean you are less important, it only means one person has to take things easy & bow for the other in some situations..
      and if I am a man, how will I be the one to feed my Family & at the same time be the one to bow? it cant work that way………. so GOD is the wisest

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