계산 없이 Jannah를 입력하십시오!

게시물 평가

이 게시물 평가
에 의해 순수한 결혼 -

작가: 순수한 결혼

원천: 순수한 결혼

Hardship afflicts everyone at some point in their lives, and is a test from Allah SWT as a means to purify us, elevate us and to see which of us is most deserving of Allah’s Mercy:

“Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested?

And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test)"

[Surah Ankaboot 29:2-3]

Allah SWT says in many places in the Quran that patience is one of the virtues of the people of Jannah, and we are commanded to remain patient when afflicted with misfortune and to seek help through prayer:

“And seek help in patience and As-Salaah (기도하는 사람) and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khaashi‘oon [즉. the true believers in Allaah — those who obey Allaah with full submission, fear much from His punishment, and believe in His Promise (파라다이스) 그리고 그의 경고에서 (지옥)]"

[수라 바카라 2:54]

이 구절에서, Allah SWT는 남은 환자가 하기 어려운 일임을 인정합니다., 그러나 또한 이것이 신자의 특징이라고 설명합니다.. 다른 구절에서, Allah SWT는 구체적으로 그가 환자와 함께 있다고 말합니다.:

"확실히, 알라는 앗사비룬과 함께 하신다 (환자)"

[수라 안팔 6:46]

인내는 이슬람에서 특별한 미덕을 가지고 있습니다.:

'물론, 환자는 계정 없이 보상을 받게 될 것입니다.'

[수라 아즈-주마르 39:10]

tafseer의 학자들은 이 구절을 당신이 akhira에서 당신의 보상을 받을 것이라는 의미로 설명했습니다. (잔나) 남들이 하는 저울을 거치지 않고.

알라에게 영광이 있기를! 인내하는 자에게 주는 얼마나 아름다운 보상인가! Such a huge reward is not for the faint of heart, and one must understand that patience means having full acceptance of Allah’s decree, making a lot of dua and not despairing of His Mercy or complaining about your situation.

Patience was summed up best by the Prophet SAW who said:

“Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily all of his affair is good and this is not for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him”



순수한 결혼 – 무슬림을 위한 세계 최대의 결혼 예식

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