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Nivîskar: Sister Arfa Saira Iqbal

Lêgerîna li hevjînê carinan dibe ku dilşikestî be û hîs bike ku ew pir dem û enerjiya we digire Û redkirin bi rastî dikare zirarê bide we., bi dînîtî evîndarê wî dibin û paşê dizewicin û bi bextewarî bijîn?

bi dînîtî evîndarê wî dibin û paşê dizewicin û bi bextewarî bijîn!

It’s perfectly normal to dream about finding love with Mr Right, someone who’ll sweep you off your feet, love you unconditionally and be your soulmate

Someone who cries when you’re sad, the perfect prince charming who’ll move heaven and Earth to make you happy and would do anything for you.

Bê guman, your Mr Right is just like the movieshe’s every girl’s dream:

  • he makes you laugh hysterically, even when you don’t want to
  • he’s a hopeless romantic
  • he’s strong when he has to be, gentle when he needs to be
  • he’s brilliant with kids
  • he places your needs and your happiness above your own
  • he tells you he loves you more than the stars in the sky
  • he recites poetry to you and makes you feel like you’re the only one in the world for him

It’s perfectly natural to want someone who wants to place you at the center of their universe

But the reality is FAR from that!

You see, the number of girls who have their hearts broken when they marry their so-called prince charming is off the charts

Here’s the issuemen love the chase. They love the thrill of pursuing a girland will say and do anything to have her

But once they have her, complacency sets in.

When they get married, life gets in the wayand the man who said he’d move heaven and Earth for you can’t even move out of his parent’s home!

And if you’re lucky enough to have your own place, you’ll likely have other things to deal with which all make your dream man seem as if he’s floating off on another planet somewhereand you’re left wondering what happened.

So if I could give any piece of advice to you, it would be this: Don’t marry because you’re lonelyor because your friends are doing itor because you think a man will fix your problems

Di ber, pursue a deeper relationship with Allah.

Know Him more, worship Him as He deserves to be worshipped and take the time to learn more about yourself.

Throw away your endless list of unrealistic expectations of a man and allow Allah to write them for you instead.

Having such high expectations of a guy is actually unfair on himand exhausting for him to live up to.

Lebê, when you allow Allah to dictate what those expectations should be, life changes for the better.

In the long run, you’ll be much happier, calmer and in a better place.

Because here’s the thingif you place your love and happiness in who you consider to be the ‘ideal man’, what happens when they’re no longer there for you?

No one should EVER have so much control over your happinessand worseYOU will have allowed it to happen!

When you place your happiness with your Creator instead, you’re not allowing your happiness to be controlled by anyone.

And this firmly shifts the balance of power over your own life back in YOUR hands.

The end result is that you’ll make better decisions when looking for the right manand it will also help you avoid making the wrong decisions.

Di rastî, there are so many things to consider when searching for Mr Right, that we did an entire podcast on this here: MISTAKES WHEN FINDING MR RIGHT

In it, I discuss all the pitfalls and mistakes young sisters make when searching for Mr Right.

It’s well worth the listen, so make sure you listen to it here: MISTAKES WHEN FINDING MR RIGHT

Sister Arfa Saira Iqbal

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