Ширктин жамандыгынан алыс бол

Пост рейтинги

Бул постту баалаңыз
By Таза нике -

Ширк. Бирок, Ширк, many Muslims commit the grave mistake of making dua by mentioning the Prophet SAW or mentioning so called holy men in the hope their dua is answered.

Мисалы, when making dua, a person may say ‘Oh Allah grant me such and such for the sake of the Prophet SAW’. Some may even go to shrines and make dua in front of graves, believing the dead person is in some way able to help them have their prayers answeredastagfirullah!

Абу Хурайрадан риваят (Аллах андан ыраазы болсун), ким айтты Алланын Элчиси (3) деди:Кудай (Ал аруу жана аруу) деди: I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does an action for someone else’s sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me.

(мусулман & Ибн Мажа |)

The act of associating partners with Allah, is called Shirk and is classed as the worst of sins any human being can do. This is the one sin for which, should you die upon this, the doors of jannah would be permanently closed for you!

“Certainly! whoso ascribes partners to Allah, for him Allah has forbidden Paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evil-doers there will be no helpers.”

(Куран 5:72)

May Allah SWT protect us all from such evil and make us firm upon the truth ameen.


Таза нике – Мусулмандар үчүн дүйнөдөгү эң чоң үйлөнүү кызматы.

Don’t forget to share the khair!

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