Tipp vun der Woch – 5 Schrëtt fir Är Intentiounen ze korrigéieren

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Vun Pure Bestietnes -

Auteur: Pure Bestietnes

Keep your intentions sincere, for surely Allah knows what is in the heart and will reward you only with that which you intended?

On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, ween sot : I heared the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say :

Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated. related by Bukhari and Muslim

alhamdulilah Dir Wësst datt Dir Hëllef braucht an dat heescht datt Dir wierklech guidéiert wëllt ginn 5 pointers to help you clarify your intentions:

  1. Before doing any good deed, ask yourself WHY are you doing it? Be honest with yourself!
  2. If you are doing the good deed to make yourself feel better, or to benefit yourself, then STOP! Seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy and ask Allah to make it easy for you to correct your intention
  3. Correct the intention in your heart so that you are doing a good deed solely for Allah’s pleasure, and keep it in your heart!
  4. Intentions are NOT uttered on the tongue EXCEPT in the case of reciting the talbiyah when performing Hajj/Umrah – EVERYTHING else is intended in the heart ONLY because your tongue may say one thing, but your heart another
  5. Final tip – do NOT speak about your good deed to anyone and let it be a secret between you and Allah, for verily Allah loves that you do good deeds for His pleasure and not the pleasure of people

May Allah SWT grant us the goodness to intend every good deed for His sake and His sake alone ameen.

Pure Bestietnes

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