Te Paheketanga – te tirohanga a Ihirama | Paetukutuku

Whakatauranga Pouaka

Whakatauria tenei whakairinga
Na Matrimony Pure -

Kaituhi: Matrimony Pure

Kua tae katoa matou ki reira. Ko taua ahua pouri nui e whakawehi ana kia horomia koe ki roto i te rua pango nui o te kore tumanako.. Ko taua ahua ko te tangata mokemoke rawa atu i te ao ahakoa e karapotia ana e te tangata. Ko tera kau, te mana'o kau i roto i to ngakau.

Kei te whakaaro koe kaore e taea e koe te korero ki tetahi mo o ahuatanga na te mea kaore ratou e mohio. Engari he tupono noa, Ko te tangata ke e noho ana i to taha he rite tonu te ahua. Te vai noa ra anei to tatou mauruuru ore i roto i to tatou oraraa, he tino whakamaramatanga ranei mo te aha tatou i penei ai?

I tenei webinar i tukuna e Sheikh Musleh Khan, ka matapakihia e matou te pouri mai i te tirohanga a Ihirama. I runga anake 5 nga irava o te Qur’an (Surah Hijr verses 95-99), ka kitea e tatou te rongoa mutunga ki te pouri. Ma te wetewete i te hanganga matatini o ia rerenga korero, Ka whakamarama hohonu a Sheikh Musleh i te korero o te tumanako, positivity me te whakapono whaiaro ka tukuna e Allah SWT ki ana mea hanga katoa. Ka kii matou ka pupuhi koe…

Na Pure Matrimony tenei i kawe mai ki a koe, te ratonga marena Mahometa nui rawa atu o te ao mo nga Mahometa mahi, hei wahanga o ta matou kaupapa ki te awhina i te ako me te whakamohio i nga Mahometa kia whai hua te hapori whanui.

Ki te mea ko koe he Muslim Single me te hiahia ki te whakatau i te
hoa karakia te ara halal mo ka rehita inaianei i

Pērā i te ‘Matrimony Pure’ i runga i te Pukamata me te noho hei wahanga o to tatou hapori whakamiharo!

A kia tino haina koe mo o maatau tuhinga rangitaki whakahihiri i:

4 Nga korero to Dealing With Depression – te tirohanga a Ihirama | Paetukutuku

  1. MashaAllah tabarakaAllah. Just one thing to point up for improvement inshaAllah which is the audio. It was quite disturbing to focus listening with that kinda sound. Khayr.

    May Allah reward and accept your efforts and good deeds. Amine.

    Jazakumullahu khayran.

    • Pure Matrimony Kaiwhakahaere- Umm Khan

      Aameen to you duas and JazakAllahu khairan for the beautiful feedback. We will definitely improve the sound quality next time. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  2. Islam is the complete code of life. There is nothing that is not explained in Islam. We have to follow & concerned Quran & Sunnah for each & every problem in our lives. Be optimistic & believe Allah SWT in every difficult & sorrowful situations.

  3. khadijah naseer

    SawwwrwbI look fwd to learning how best to cope and deal with my depression and boredom .tanx in anticipation

Waiho he Whakautu

Ka kore e whakaputaina to wahitau imeera. Kua tohua nga mara e hiahiatia ana *


Tirohia ta maatau Taupānga Waea Hou!!

Marena Marena Mahometa Taupānga Pukoro