Рамадан сард хүүхдүүдийг сургах & Рамадан сард хүүхдүүдийг сургах

Нийтлэлийн үнэлгээ

Энэ нийтлэлд үнэлгээ өгнө үү
By Цэвэр гэрлэлт -

Зохиогч: Abu Rumaisa

Эх сурвалж: www.muslimink.com

We came across a beautiful marriage story that is an example of unwavering faith in Allah and being blessed with the world’s most valuable treasure – a righteous wife. May Allah bless the brother and his family. Here is the story as is:

Like most guys at 25 I just wanted to get married even though I didn’t have two pennies to rub together, times were really tuff for me back then.

It’s been around 6 years since I got married. My wife came from a very wealthy background mashallah, I however did not.

My wife was very understanding with regards to this and wanted to marry me regardless. Alhamdulliah I got married in East London at a cost of £500.

We arrived back to my parents’ house where we stayed for the next 2 жил. As I mentioned earlier I had very little to my name, I couldn’t afford a bed to sleep on, and I was stubborn to ask my parents for help.

My brother had a spare used mattress which we decided to sleep on, there wasn’t a night I wouldn’t complain about the springs pressing into my back.

My wife fell pregnant shortly after marriage, нь 9 months was especially hard for her as the mattress was very uncomfortable. She would never complain though, but I knew if it was hurting me, it was killing her. I remember close to her due date, we both couldn’t sleep due to our back pain, I remember her saying, ‘In shaa Allah after Rumaisa our situation will change, she will come with her rizq and so will her siblings..’

My sunflower Rumaisa was born and soon after my fortunates started to change literally overnight. My business started to do well, I brought a bed and then had enough money to finally move out.

A year later, Hafsah was born, prior to her birth I started another business that too started to do really well. Maa shaa’ Бурхан

Тэгээд 2 жилийн дараа, Ibraheem was born and he too came with his rizq in the form of a 3rd business. Maa shaa’ Бурхан

Why I shared this story?

За, many atimes people forget that Allah is the Who gives rizq and his supply is unlimited, all you have to do is ask. I also wanted to point out the blessing of children, if I could I would have 4 children every 9 сар! Children are an unbelievable blessing, regardless of your situation they come with their own rizq, so don’t worry about that, just keep them coming.

And finally marrying a pious spouse makes the world of difference, my wife could have built 10 bed factories but she didn’t want to live off her parents and was patient about her situation. So marry someone who loves Allah, in turn Allah will love her.

I will leave you with a verse of the Noble Quran, ponder over it..”

And whoever fears AllahHe will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allahthen He is sufficient for him. Үнэхээр, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] хэмжээ. [65:2-3]

Цэвэр гэрлэлт

…. Дадлага төгс болгодог газар

Нийтлэлээс-Muslim Ink – Цэвэр гэрлэлт танд хүргэсэн- www.purematrimony.com - Лалын шашинтнуудад зориулсан дэлхийн хамгийн том гэрлэлтийн үйлчилгээ.

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2 Сэтгэгдэл to Beautiful Story of Islamic Marriage & Рамадан сард хүүхдүүдийг сургах

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