Jannah adalah untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa
Paradise is a wonderous place, full of things that the eyes have never seen and the mind cannot even imagine. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “In Paradise there are rooms that...
Paradise is a wonderous place, full of things that the eyes have never seen and the mind cannot even imagine. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “In Paradise there are rooms that...
Sains mengatakan bahawa perhubungan yang berkekalan berpunca daripada—anda dapat menekanya—kebaikan dan kemurahan hati. Setiap hari pada bulan Jun, bulan perkahwinan paling popular tahun ini, kira-kira 13,000 Pasangan Amerika akan berkata "Saya...
Terdapat dua jenis manusia di Bumi ini – mereka yang berdosa dan merahsiakan dosa mereka, menyedari mereka telah melakukan kesalahan dan memohon keampunan daripada Allah SWT. Dan...
Observing the ties of kinship is one of the most important basics of our deen, and not honouring these ties not only removes you from Allah’s Mercy, but also deprives...
Bila-bila masa Khadijah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanha) disebutkan apakah gambaran yang terbentuk dalam fikiran anda? Do you not picture how she sacrificed her comfort and livelihood for the cause of the Prophet...
Being a chatterbox isn’t the best of traits to have – especially when you talk unnecessarily and without the mention of Allah. Sesungguhnya, speaking too much can lead to the...