Kategorija "Żwieġ"


Kif tagħmel lil Martek ferħana

Żwieġ Pur | | 48 Kummenti

Kif tagħmel lil Martek ferħana ? Dan li ġej huwa sommarju tal-ktieb “Kif tagħmel lil martek kuntenta minn Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed. Beautiful Reception After returning...


Language of Love

Żwieġ Pur | | 1 Ikkummenta

Sors : Like A Garment Email Series by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi Love has many languages. By this, we mean that there are different ways that people express love and recognize...


Kun ħabib, companion, and soul mate

Żwieġ Pur | | 11 Kummenti

Sors : Like A Garment Email Series by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi What women are looking for A couple that wishes to have a successful relationship must understand each other’s needs....


An Appetizer for a Love-ly Couple

Żwieġ Pur | | 4 Kummenti

Sors : http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthread.php?240917-Characteristics-of-a-Pious-Wife-Husband Al-Islaah Publications Tit Bits for a Pious Wife A pious woman’s priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good...


Ma tistax tixtri l-imħabba: Il-Materjaliżmu Joqtol iż-Żwiġijiet – L-Islam jagħti Ir-Rimedju !

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Excerpts from :http://news.yahoo.com/cant-buy-love-materialism-kills-marriages-161433917.html http://www.themuslimtimes.org/2011/10/religion/islam/cant-buy-love-materialism-kills-marriages-islam-could-help http://www.soundvision.com/Info/Islam/marriage.ideal.asp Focusing too heavily on thefor richerpart of the nuptial vows could spell disaster for a marriage, according to research published today by Brigham...


Key Advice for the Newly Wed

Żwieġ Pur | | 3 Kummenti

Sors: http://www.haqislam.org/advice-for-newly-wed/ Islamic Da’wah Academy “You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibne Mãjah) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat dãmat barakãtuhum advises: 1. Every action is dependant...


Żwieġ interrazzjali : Huwa Worth It ?

Żwieġ Pur | | 46 Kummenti

Sors : http://www.teenperspectives.com/interracial-marriage-is-it-worth-it/ By Aisha Faiz from New York In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Marriage is one of the most important decisions in one’s...


Beautify Yourself for Your Husband

Żwieġ Pur | | 2 Kummenti

Sors : http://idealmuslimah.com/family/being-a-pious-wife/126-why-you-must-beautify-yourself-for-your-husband The Muslim woman makes herself beautiful for her husband by means of make-up, clothing, eċċ. In this way she will appear more beautiful and attractive to him,...


The Art of Living With Your In-Laws

Żwieġ Pur | | 1 Ikkummenta

The Art of Living With Your In-Laws With my in-laws back living with me alhamdulillah, it took me to thinking about living harmoniously and issues of control, privacy and co-operation....


L-Etiketti Taz-Zwieg U It-Tieg

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding All praise is due to Allah, the One who said in the clear verses of His Book: “And among His Signs is this, that...


60 Ways to Keep Your Husband's Love

Żwieġ Pur | | 44 Kummenti

60 Ways to Keep Your Husband’s Love 1.Behave like a female, i.e. all the tenderness of a female–a man doesn’t want a man for his wife! 2.Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you...