
Id-Dawl fil-lejl bla qamar

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

U meta l-qaddejja Tiegħi jistaqsuk, [O Muhammad], dwari – tassew jien qrib. Jien inwieġeb għall-invokazzjoni ta’ min jitlob meta jsejjaħli. So let...


It-Triq Ieħor

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

One of the true beauties of our beloved religion Islam is Amanah. The meaning of amanah is trustworthiness, jew, it is something or someone left to someone to protect or...

Ħajja tal-familja


Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Dijanjosi moħbija u ħajja ta’ wġigħ Il-ġenituri tiegħi żżewġu lil xulxin fl-aħħar tas-snin 70 f’Karachi. Huma marru jgħixu Brooklyn, NY, fejn ommi welldet...


How To Reject A Proposal

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima Farooqi talk about to reject a proposal in the right way! U iva, there is a right and a wrong way to do that! Learn...


Miti Dwar Siti taż-Żwieġ Debunked

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Got questions or concerns about online matchmaking sites? Worried they’re no good? Then listen in today as Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima talk about some of the most common myths...