The Secrets to Happy, Lasting Islamic Marriages
She knows by his face when he needs a word of encouragement. He knows that silence suits her best in the morning. They often finish sentences with a “you know...
She knows by his face when he needs a word of encouragement. He knows that silence suits her best in the morning. They often finish sentences with a “you know...
If you were to boil productivity science down to one line, it’s “managing one’s energy, focus, and time for beneficial goals.” It looks simple, but it’s actually difficult and stressful for...
U meta l-qaddejja Tiegħi jistaqsuk, [O Muhammad], dwari – tassew jien qrib. Jien inwieġeb għall-invokazzjoni ta’ min jitlob meta jsejjaħli. So let...
Riċentement, matul l-aħħar sessjoni tiegħi ta’ psikoterapija tal-ġimgħa, Smajt lil mara Musulmana titkellem dwar id-dettalji ta’ kif tkun abbużata sesswalment bħala tifel. Tkellmet dwar kif...
One of the true beauties of our beloved religion Islam is Amanah. The meaning of amanah is trustworthiness, jew, it is something or someone left to someone to protect or...
Alla, the Exalted said, “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that will make for greater purity for them. Indeed Allah...
Marriage is a sacred bond. Entered into by two people who are committed in their goal to fulfil the Sunnah and attain the pleasure of their creator. It is also...
Warda Krimi shows how long-distance marriages can work. It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with...
Soraya Soobhany-Chohan explains why we are marrying so late and what to do in the meantime. This is the cry I hear so often in my role as Singles Coach...
Janet Kozak has some advice for entering marriage and shares advice on controlling clutter for newlyweds. For a newlywed couple moving in together for the first time, paring down items...
(Quick disclaimer: This article is mainly for the sisters, though some tips will be useful for the brothers as well.) Understandably, many people may become hesitant when they consider a marriage...
Marriages usually start off so nicely. Everyone cooperates-the couple, their parents, other relatives, ħbieb. Things usually run smoothly. But somewhere along the way, marital disputes pop up. This is, of...
Heba Alshareef gives some insider information to men looking to win the hand of a fabulous Muslimah in marriage. Let me tell you about my first crush, Brian. Okay, that...
She’s always flying off the handle! She’s so hot headed! Boy does she have a short temper! Whatever you choose to call it—not being able to control yourself when you’re angry can...
Everyone dreams of having a passionate and fulfilling marriage. Madankollu, few actually take the time to learn, plan, and invest in their relationships. Your crops will only yield as much...
Irrakkonta Abu Musa (Radi-Allahu anhu): “Xi nies staqsew lill-Profeta (pbuh) “Li l-Islam ta’ min hu l-aqwa? i.e. (li huwa Musulman tajjeb ħafna?” Huwa wieġeb, “Wieħed li jevita li jagħmel ħsara lill-...
Dijanjosi moħbija u ħajja ta’ wġigħ Il-ġenituri tiegħi żżewġu lil xulxin fl-aħħar tas-snin 70 f’Karachi. Huma marru jgħixu Brooklyn, NY, fejn ommi welldet...
Ritratt tal-profil tal-mittent Mhux is-siti kollha ta’ tlaqqigħ huma ugwali! Sister Arfa u Sister Fathima Farooqi jiddiskutu l-mistoqsijiet u l-kunċetti żbaljati dwar is-Siti Matrimonjali Musulmani. Ħu FREE 7 Day...
Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima Farooqi talk about to reject a proposal in the right way! U iva, there is a right and a wrong way to do that! Learn...
Got questions or concerns about online matchmaking sites? Worried they’re no good? Then listen in today as Sister Arfa and Sister Fathima talk about some of the most common myths...