Tip Tal-Ġimgħa: Honour Your Relationships With Your Family

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Abu Hurairah (Jalla Alla jkun kuntent bih) qal: Il-Messenger ta 'Allah (PBUH) qal, “It is not lawful for a Muslim to forsake his (Musulman) brother beyond three days; and whosoever does so for more than three days, and then dies, will certainly enter the Hell.” [Abu Dawud]

Family feuds are very common – everywhere you go you hear of people who have fallen out with their families for one reason or the other. Madankollu, this is a big sin, since a tightly-knit family is part of the fabric of the ummah:

‘Abdur – Rahmaan bin ‘Awf (jalla Alla jkun kuntent bih) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (il-paċi fuqu) qal, “Allaah, Most High, qal: ‘I am Ar – Rahmaan, and this is Ar – Rahim (il-ġuf, or the bonds of kinship). I have extracted for it a name from My Names. I will bond with those who nurture it, and break away from those who severe it.” (Abu Dawood)

Here we are clearly and explicitly warned that the person who severs his ties has in fact severed himself from Allah’s mercy. May Allah SWT protect us all ameen.

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